May 15, 2024

Learning how to be Human in 4 Steps.


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It is hard to deny that we are in powerful times.

The Age of Aquarius is upon us and everyone is feeling the changes. Each day the world continues to feel a little different than the day before. It isn’t always easy to put our finger on exactly what these changes are.

One perspective I have been exploring is that we are having a soul remembrance.

Somehow, as humans, we have forgotten that we are souls. We have become solely identified with the body and person we are in this moment and don’t live and operate from a place of being long-lasting souls who have been places and done much more than just this present life we are experiencing.

I think one thing that can be helpful is to look at the different aspects involved in being human.

I have broken it down into four categories:

1. Body.

We have a body. That is something every soul on Earth has in common. There are many souls who do not presently have a human body. They are existing in other realms just as souls. But you and I have human bodies and these human bodies do need care. There is so much information out there about how to care for a human body but some points that are clear is this body needs sleep/rest, water, nutritious food, exercise, and human connection.

These are the basics for caring for a body and when we don’t we feel the consequences. Just like if we don’t care for our car properly by filling it with gas, changing the oil, and keeping air in the tires, eventually, the car won’t work properly. Essentially, our human body is the automobile for our soul and requires the proper care for it to function.

2. Mind.

Part of being a human is having a mind, or we could call it the ego, or even better yet (the term I like best) is the egoic mind because really they are one. There is nothing wrong with the egoic mind; it just has limited functionality. The egoic mind is good at comparing, associating, thinking about the past, and projecting into the future. These things are all fine, but when overused they make us feel insecure and fearful.

Most humans are only accessing the mind and body and calling this being an “I” then feeling dissatisfied with the results. Yes, we could call this mental illness, depression, or all types of other terms. I have come to just think of it as not having a full understanding of what it means to be human and how to operate this powerful mechanism we have found ourselves in.

We are all much more than body and mind. And in the next 20 years, this will be acknowledged increasingly by all sectors of society and our world will change because of it. This is the immense change we are presently experiencing.

Let’s look at the under-utilized aspects of being human that we are now going to evolve into.

3. Energy.

Our knowledge of energy at the moment as humans is primitive. We are calling everything that feels like an energetic movement in our bodies “energy” just like we call all varieties of trees the same name when in fact there are thousands of types of trees. Well, there are thousands of types of energy, and they are not all the same. They don’t feel the same, look the same, or bring the same results. It takes focus, skill, education, and willingness to learn to discern different types of energy.

The human system runs on universal energy systems. No one is free from the connection to energy. To be alive is to be locked into the energy grid. So it is crazy to believe or not believe in energy. That would be like believing or not believing in your liver or pancreas. Energy is part of your life.

There is Chakra energy, meridian energy, life force energy, Kundalini energy, ancestral energy, angelic energy, galactic energy, and so many more!

As we learn more about energy, our power to access our destiny and full-spectrum enjoyment of the human experience will increase. This is the future, folks, and it will be a learning curve but ultimately will be a fantastic result.

4. Soul.

This one is much more difficult to describe and it seems we have a rudimentary understanding of what a soul is. To be human appears to be to have soul amnesia. This seems to have been a big part of the human experience we have been living. This great forgetting that we are actually a soul has existed for millennia, but we think we are just a person for like 80 years and then die.

Of course, the Tibetan Buddhists have understood this reincarnation cycle and tried to teach us. But souls can travel so far beyond the earth realm—and do all the time. We live in a multidimensional reality and the realms in which a soul can exist are perhaps infinite. It is hard to tell. But you are a soul. Your soul exists in this human body and operates with an egoic mind and energy system. The more you can connect with yourself as a soul and learn about your long, complicated soul journey, the more you will understand who you really are.

There is not a pill in the world that will take away all our problems and make the human experience one of ease and bliss. The human experience is designed to be difficult, confusing, and challenging. That is the nature of being on Earth. But if we take the time to really understand the vehicle (you) that you are operating, you can navigate this experience with wisdom, compassion, and universal love.


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author: Ruth Lera

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