May 9, 2024

The Breath of Love: What I’m Still Learning in the “Third Chapter” of my Life.

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Because I assume that I have many sub-chapters yet to be lived in the third chapter of my life, I don’t think that I’m solidly in the finale.

That said, Jane Fonda, in her book, Primetime, refers to old age as the third chapter, and in a way, this concept is a wake-up call and a life-changing label.

When we are told that we are in the third and final chapter of our lives, it provides a sense of urgency to those who are up there in years or have been told that their disease is terminal. It also gives a nudge and a similar sense of urgency to anyone at any stage and age.

“You better change for the better before it’s too late.”

“You better take better care of yourself before it’s too late.”

“You better have a heart-to-heart with her/him/them before it’s too late.”

“You better forgive and love yourself more before it’s too late.

“You better do more and see more before it’s too late.”

After all, it could be the final chapter. We never know for sure.

These days, a kinder voice within me also whispers:

“Remember to breathe, and when you do, dear one, inhale and exhale love.”

“Acknowledge the beauty and goodness of your soul and the soul within others.”

“Give yourself the love you give so easily to others.”

“Inhale and exhale the purity of love.”

In the sub-chapter of my life today, my focus is to remember to inhale and exhale unconditional love.

Sadly, I have missed many moments of doing this. There are times when I am just too busy with hundreds of to-dos. There are also times when I waste too much heavy energy chastising myself about all the unhealed situations from the past, worrying about the “what ifs” of the present, or feeling frustration about the time clock of the future.

In a burst of sudden awakening, I finally say to myself, “Just be and breathe love. Here. Now. This moment. It’s never too late.”

It’s in these illuminating aha moments that I once again understand how important it is to feel each breath and to know that I am here on Earth to breathe the energy of love wherever I go.

It takes a good kind of stubborn willingness to let go of the clutter in my mind, take moments in my day to put my hand on my heart chakra, and as I do that, create the consciousness to remember to fill each breath with unconditional love for myself, for others, and toward all humanity.

As soon as I breathe love, I am better able to embody a feeling of grounded centeredness and to see the beauty and imperfect perfection of who and what is all around me.

One of the most powerful poems I’ve written has to do with breath. I allow it to open my heart, let go of my monkey mind chatter, and feel all there is in the moment.

I say this poem to myself throughout the day, and I hope after reading it, it helps you too.

The breath is a key to inner spaciousness, healing, love, personal freedom, tapping into the pure innocent child of who we really are, and letting go of all the clutter in our mind. The breath can help us feel and live these four important words more often:

Inner Peace. Unconditional Love.

While you read my poem, In This Moment, put your hand on your heart space, inhale and exhale deeply and slowly, and do all you can do to embody the energy field of pure love.

In This Moment 

In this moment, I am free.

In this moment, I feel the who of me.

In this moment, I clear my busy mind.

In this moment, it’s peace I find.

No more to-dos. Release, release.

No more decisions, just feel the peace.

No more running here and there,

No more doubting peace is rare,

I can still my monkey mind, and it’s peace I find.

In this moment, you and I are free.

In this moment, I feel the who of you and me.

In this moment, we clear our busy minds.

In this moment, it’s peace we find.

~ From the audiobook, paperback and eBook: Heart-Dreamer: Stepping into Life, Love, Creativity, and Dreams – No Matter What, by Cheryl Melody Baskin

Breathe love into your soul. Breathe your loving breath toward others. Breathe love into our one precious planet.

Breathe your note of love into every chapter and subchapter of your life.

As Rumi said, “Each note is a need coming through one of us, a passion, a longing pain. Remember the lips where the wind-breath originated, and let your note be clear. Don’t try to end it. Be your note.”

Be the breath of love.

And you can watch a video I created, “A Poem for Remembering How to Stay in the Present Moment and How to Calm your Jumping Jelly Bean Mind toward Love,” here.


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Cheryl Melody Baskin  |  Contribution: 81,465

author: Cheryl Melody Baskin

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Lisa Erickson