June 18, 2024

Practical Advice for Living with Integrity & Authenticity.


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{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


Let’s have a heart-to-heart about something that’s been heavy on my mind: staying true to ourselves and being authentic in all our interactions.

Trust me, I get it—these words get thrown around a lot. But for me, they’re not just buzzwords; they’re my north star, guiding me through the highs and lows of life.

So, grab a cup of hot tea, and let’s dive into this roller coaster ride together, where I’ll share some real talk about staying authentic and keeping our integrity intact, even when it feels impossible.

The Challenge of Viral Success

Picture this: our band The Middle Ages video goes viral, and suddenly we’re the talk of the town. It was like winning the lottery but with a twist—along with a surge of new fans came a flood of haters. Reading those biting comments felt like getting a paper cut every time. Seriously, who knew people could be so creative with their insults?

But instead of firing back, I chose to respond with kindness. Not gonna lie, it was tough. I had to bite my tongue so hard I thought it might fall off. But I held my head high, believing that staying true to myself was more important than stooping to their level. It was a lesson in integrity that I didn’t ask for but desperately needed.

Personal Trials and Growth

Let me take you back a few years. I had this friend who, out of nowhere, turned on me. She didn’t just turn—she did a full pirouette. She talked behind my back, tried to turn others against me, and left me feeling like I’d been hit by a freight train. It was brutal. I wanted to retaliate, to show her just how wrong she was. But instead, I set boundaries and had those gut-wrenching conversations. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t pretty. But it was necessary. I learned that integrity means facing the painful stuff head-on and choosing growth over grudges.

Integrity in Business

Fast-forward to my business life, where the stakes are higher, and the spotlight is even brighter. Here’s the thing: it’s a breeze to be nice when everyone’s happy and things are going smoothly. But what about when the project hits the fan, and everyone’s looking at you to fix it? That’s when true character shows.

I’ve faced my fair share of tough situations—clients who were impossible to please, deals that fell apart, you name it. Through it all, I’ve found that handling these challenges with love, kindness, and honest communication is what really counts. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being real, even when it’s hard.

Practical Advice for Living with Integrity and Authenticity

So, how do we navigate this tricky path of integrity and authenticity? Here’s some hard-earned advice from my journey:

1. Set Boundaries

Know your limits and don’t be afraid to communicate them. Setting boundaries is like putting up a fence around your yard—not to keep people out but to show where your space begins. It’s crucial for maintaining your sanity and staying true to yourself.

2. Stay Kind

Kindness is your secret weapon. When you’re tempted to clap back, take a deep breath and choose kindness instead. It’s not about letting people walk all over you; it’s about rising above the negativity and staying grounded in your values.

3. Have Hard Conversations

We all dread tough talks, but avoiding them only makes things worse. Embrace the discomfort and tackle issues head-on. It’s like ripping off a Band-Aid—it hurts, but it’s better than letting the wound fester.

4. Be True to Yourself

Authenticity is non-negotiable. Stay true to your values, no matter what. It takes guts to stand firm, especially when the world is trying to shape you into something else. But trust me, it’s worth it.

Living authentically and with integrity is a tall order, but it’s also the most rewarding path. It’s during the hardest times that our true character shines through, and we learn what we’re really made of. By setting boundaries, staying kind, having hard conversations, and being true to ourselves, we can navigate life’s challenges with grace and courage. Let’s empower each other to live authentically and with integrity, even when it’s tough.

We’re in this together. Stay strong, stay kind, and keep being your amazing selves. Life’s too short to be anything but real.

Love you all!


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author: Taraleigh Weathers

Image: oh_long_leslie/instagram

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