June 20, 2024

The most Eco & Comfy Denim in all the Lands does Exist. We Found It (& we’re Screaming it from the Hilltops).

This article is written in partnership with Oliver Logan, where evergreen style meets social responsibility. We’re honored to work with them—and wear their clothes. ~ ed.

Ever try on a new (or new-to-you) pair of jeans and sigh in contentment that they fit your butt? Or your hips? Or, God forbid, both?

Yeah, me neither.

Something is always “off” when I’m buying clothes. It might be the leg length or the waist height. It might be some sag or lack of sag. And it’s hard to not take it personally.

To be honest, I’m not really one for “new” clothes.

My closet is stuffed with vintage finds from second-hand shops, yard sales, and slightly out-of-style things that I adore because I thrifted them piece by piece.

I prefer not to buy fast fashion when I can avoid it. My style aesthetic is never, ever “on trend” but rather, stylish—with definite personality attached. And I think that’s the fun part of clothing. It can show off our personalities and give off that first impression of who we are. It can start a conversation and it can make us feel at ease, because we’re sharing a part of ourselves with the world without saying a single word.

We’re walking our talk.

oliver logan

I grew up running around a thrift store that my mom managed. I helped sort the clothing donations, price the items, shelve them, and learned how to talk to customers. It was a life-changing experience for a young, shy girl. But one thing I remember the most? Dressing the mannequins on the top of each round clothing rack in the long, narrow store and inside the big store window displays.

I would give them each a story in my head. I liked to think that just the right customer would come into the store and want to buy the outfit I’d put together, wearing it out into the world giving it a new life.

That was my introduction to clothes with a story.

Everything has a story.

Oliver Logan clothes are no exception, in fact, they may be the rule.

And they may be the exception to my rule about not loving “new” clothes, because I have fallen in love. And they definitely sit atop my *5 garment rule.

“The Hot or Cool Institute says that we should really only buy five new garments every year if we want to exist within planetary boundaries. And if we only have five opportunities to tell the fashion industry, ‘This is what is good and I want to support people, animals, and the planet by buying certain things. We have 365 days in a year to make a difference.’ That’s what I want people to focus on.” ~ Emma Hakansson

This morning I was thumbing through my closet and feeling the textures of the clothes on the hangers. Bumpy sweaters. Rough rompers. The thick linen shirt I “borrowed” from my mom recently. And then, there it was, the soft, buttery jean of my Oliver Logan Dylan Maxi Mid Rise Skirt.

My fingers lingered over the skirt, running up and down over the light-colored denim. And I smiled. Because this skirt, this skirt has a story.

My Oliver Logan skirt wasn’t thrifted and it’s not vintage, but boy, oh boy, does it feel broken in and worn like your best pair of jeans—right off the bat. And that’s because they’re committed to ethical denim—minimal footprint for maximum comfort. They go to great lengths to ensure their entire supply chain is as responsible and clean as possible, from growing and harvesting organic cotton to sewing and finishing, plus all the processes in between.

They do this by choosing to only partner and cultivate relationships with like-minded suppliers across the globe—all of whom won’t compromise people, the planet, and quality for the end gain.

They fit like a glove because of their “What’s my Size?” quiz on their website. Oh, how deeply ingrained I’d let the societal concept of “one size fits all” steep into my consciousness like a forgotten teabag.

We are not “one size fits all” as a human race—physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. We are brilliantly different and unique. We say this. We think this. But it’s hard to remember this inside our closets.

Oliver Logan built these thoughts right into their Mission Statement and I love it.

We stand for inclusiveness and respect of all people and the planet we call home; mother earth. It is our mission to make positive changes for a better future by doing what we love most, ethically made denim.

My personalized size suggestion made that deep, inner desire to have the denim hug my hips and my butt just right come true.

oliver logan

The feel of the soft jean swishing as I wear the skirt, the classic style that will be a staple in my closet for years, the eco friendly and ethical standards they follow—all reasons this is one of my new favorite and go-to closet items.

This sassy skirt can be dressed up or down. I can wear it anywhere and the compliments flow like a good merlot, if you’re into that kinda thing.

I’ve worn it around my family’s lake house, walking among the trees and enjoying the breeze catch the skirt on a nice Spring day. I’ve worn it at my local farmer’s market for a morning with my mom as we browsed and stocked up on early produce. And it was one of the things I made sure to pack in my suitcase when room was scarce, because it’s versatile, avoids the suitcase wrinkles, and just plain makes for a feel-good outfit.

My elephriend, Elephant Editor, and new mama Kate has fallen for Oliver Logan too…
oliver logan

As a new mom, my life has changed in a million ways. My time is spent differently; my mind is occupied on new things; my clothes fit a little differently than they did before.

I love the evolution I’m stumbling through, but I won’t deny that it also takes a toll. I’m still learning how to balance self-care (AKA a quick shower, please) and wanting to be present for all moments with my daughter. I’ve never been one to take a long time grooming or dressing myself, so I’m not mourning the loss of a six-hour prep for the day, but, you know…a leisurely wash is few and far between.

Also, I care about fashion, but I wouldn’t consider myself a “fashionista.” I pride myself on finding thrifted treasures for my closet and appreciate the occasional “dress up” day, but I’m pretty relaxed. I enjoy comfort over “style.” 

\oliver logan

And let me tell you, that trait has only been amplified since I joined the bad@ass mama tribe. All of this is really to explain why the denim from Oliver Logan felt like such a gift. The fit gives me that comfy factor I’m always seeking, but also gets me out of my pajamas. It makes me feel human—like a “cool mom” who wears jeans and has clean hair (sometimes).  

We are so grateful for Oliver Logan’s unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship, and how seamlessly their pieces integrate into our everyday lives—because discomfort is just not an option for me anymore. But Oliver Logan is so much more than just comfortable clothing…

It’s a lifestyle. And this is our story:

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