2.4 Editor's Pick
June 12, 2024

What Happens when a Roomful of Mindful Elephants gather to Talk about Writing, Mindfulness & Community.


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Join us for a Mindful Writer’s Gathering this month with Waylon & Managing Editor Nicole Cameron:

Interested in writing on Elephant?

Write on Elephant, with success, already?

Write on Elephant without much success, already?

Join us for a mindful, fun, informative gathering. Bring your questions. Last month’s was great.

Last month’s Writer’s Forum was big and fun and full of diverse writers who write about many issues, all of which fall comfortably into our mission: “the mindful life,” being of benefit by bringing awareness and kindness and wisdom to every area of our lives, big and small, outward and inward, profound and ordinary.

We’re hosting another one, and if enough of you show up and ask questions again, we’ll continue these writerly gatherings.

We’re community-driven—and you’ll be the reason indie media will survive and thrive into 2025 and beyond. We can do this, together—if it’s important to us.

RSVP here.

Sample our May Gathering:

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author: Elephant Journal

Image: mindfulnista