July 10, 2024

18 Things my Future Self wants me to Know.

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


Sometimes I wish I could meet my past self.

When I look at my old photographs, I clearly see the problems that have once consumed me. I see the emotional wounds, the useless worries, and the endless thoughts.

I see me wanting things to improve but never actually believing they would. Because when we’re in the midst of chaos, it’s hard to believe that better days are coming. It’s hard to believe anything other than our current reality.

When I come to think about it, if my future self could actually tell me how my life is going to turn out, I wouldn’t believe her. But I’d love to meet her because I know she’s wise.

I will take into consideration her advice. I will in fact listen to what she has to say because she definitely knows better. She is where I’m not yet, so I’d like to imagine her guiding me in the right direction.

With age comes wisdom, so 20 years down the line, I’d like to believe that things will get better and I will become more emotionally stable and well-equipped for life’s ups and downs.

Regardless of what the future holds, I want my future self to remind me that:

1. No matter how many more changes my body will go through, I should show it unconditional kindness and gratitude at all times.

2. I might not get what I want, but I will certainly get what I need.

3. Things won’t always go as planned, so I shouldn’t get attached to outcomes.

4. Family comes first—always. So I need to spend more time with them.

5. Thinking I’m a failure won’t get me where I need to go. I need to focus on my achievements rather than my shortcomings.

6. Sadness is not a sign of weakness. My sadness is valid.

7. I need to let people know they are valued and loved.

8. I should never force myself to be happy or thankful.

9. Perfection is relative. That’s why I should stop worrying about being perfect.

10. I should start now and not procrastinate.

11. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed by life sometimes.

12. Other people’s opinions don’t define me. If their criticism hurts me then I might need to strengthen my sense of self and confidence.

13. It will be okay.

14. Mistakes are not a disaster. I need to prioritize forgiveness and growth.

15. I shouldn’t compare myself with others because I will never know what’s going on in their lives.

16. It might not get easier, but it will get better. I don’t have to believe it right away, but I have to make space for the new opportunities that will undoubtedly fill my days.

17. Love is an action. So words are never enough.

18. I’ve got this, but I need to trust myself more.


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Jakob Owens/Unsplash