August 8, 2024

8 Things we all Need to Hear Today.


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{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


I often turn to food when I’m stressed out or feeling sad.

If you, too, are an emotional eater, you might know that it’s not the food we seek; it’s comfort. Inner peace. Something to stop the tears from rolling down our cheeks.

The truth is we all need that one thing that makes us feel okay. And regardless of our background, values, or beliefs, the right words at the right time will always have the power to elevate us and carry us through dark times.

Life’s most difficult challenges can sometimes be crushing. When I’m not okay, all I need is someone to tell me the right words. If you know what and when to talk to me, you can pierce my heart and fill my soul with love.

Because whether we know it or not, validation and support are the best things we could ever receive. They make us feel safe and understood. They assure us that our uncomfortable feelings and experiences are okay. They replace our shame with normalcy and discomfort with serenity.

Today, I came across a post on Instagram by Mel Robbins that gave me that sense of serenity and normalcy. I needed to hear her words today.

You may need to hear them too:

1. No, you didn’t overreact. Whoever tells you that you’re overreacting may not be equipped with the right emotional tools to handle your exhibited emotions.

2. It’s not your fault. It’s not, really. We can’t control everything so stop giving yourself a hard time for not making better choices.

3. You shouldn’t feel guilty. Guilt can have a negative impact on our overall health so don’t beat yourself up over your past mistakes. You, too, deserve happiness and peace of mind.

4. It’s okay to move on. I promise. Let go of what could have been so you can step into what’s meant for you.

5. You deserve better. A better job. A better relationship. A better friend. A better life.

6. You aren’t crazy. It just doesn’t feel right and you may “feel” crazy for knowing that something is off.

7. You CAN do it. But you need to believe in yourself first. You have more potential than you think.

8. You did the right thing. In fact, you did the best you could with what you knew. That, could never be wrong.


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Image: julieetozzy/Instagram