August 9, 2024

Aquarius Full Supermoon: The R-Evolution of Awakening. {August 19}


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“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


There is an electricity in the air. A feeling of charge. Of change, of evolution, of revolution. A quickening of the energies. That we are and have been changing and evolving so much, so fast, even more than we can even see from our single-minded perspective.

But we have changed and evolved in enormous ways and waves these last few months and years. We are not the same person we were three years ago. And yet, as with all things human and cyclical, we work through similar wiring, grooving, and patterning time and time again, slowly freeing up our locked, stuck energy bent on cycles of pain, fear, and trauma, to become more of what we really are, free, authentic in our energy, expanded and unlimited in potential of creation energy.

The transformation is relentless. Slow and jarring at times too. But any worthwhile self-transformation and collective one takes time and due diligence to shake up and break up patterns of restriction and limitation.

The awakening of humanity to who we truly are on a soul level is already underway. Many years and moons now in the making, we are feeling a sense of urgency now, though. The darkness on the planet is rising and becoming more and more apparent to those previously veiled in illusion and delusion of truth. Mass programming is meticulous and woven into the fabric of our society, so it takes time to truly see and know the vile and filth it for what it truly is: a collective attempt to control and manipulate our sovereign energy away from remembering ourselves as the true divine creators we came here to be.

For those consciously on the awakening and healing journey, it has felt damn lonesome at times, wondering if any others out there like us exist. But we know now that there are many of us. We’ve connected more with our soul community, with others who see beyond the illusion. A community of souls who remind us that even if we walk a solitary path, we are truly never alone on this journey of awakening.

This is Aquarius energy, the energy of the collective, of the interconnected web of humans and souls on the planet. Aquarius energy is the web of energy between us all. The energy of the whole. The synergy of the planet. That we as a whole are greater than the sum of our parts. And yet, it takes each individual consciously choosing to awaken to bring the whole to a tipping scale level, where more and more souls awaken. We are in the dance between the collective and individual at all times. Leo energy is the individual. The self. The ego. The me, myself, and I. We need both.

We are swimming and surging through these energies. The sun having been in Leo for the last few weeks, our sense of self has been amplified and highlighted. Where have we still been dimming our own light in fear of being seen in our power?

And, also, we’ve been seeing the shadow side of that Leo energy. The self-absorption, narcissistic leaning energies of self and other. The “world-revolving-around-me-and-my-needs-energy.” We all have the potential for this. When we see in “other” the shadow of that Leo energy of narcissism, we feel the repulsion, the aversion, the disgust with the psychology and makeup of someone so bent on their own ego-feeding self, worship-me complex, superior ego.

Narcissism is a word that gets thrown around a lot these days, especially in the spiritual communities. It can be easy to fall into this label trap and fall victim to the empath/narcissist complex. And yet, there is always kernels and nuggets of truth to it all. Both psychologies of empath and narcissist are wounded egos. Wounded Leo energy. Wounded self. Both just choose to act out in different ways. But the wound is so similar. A deep wounding to one’s sense of self.

It can be so easy to go into judgment and attack of the other. But we need integration. We need innovation of this paradigm of projecting our own wounded egos onto others’ inflated ones. Leo energy is the ego. We all need deeper ego integration. But first, for some of us, we need to have a stronger sense of self. And for others, we need to foster a humility of self and understanding of our shared humanity.

With the sun in Leo, we are all re-writing our stories of self. We have been many versions of self now. We will become many more. With Mercury the messenger in retrograde since August 4 and until the 28th, our minds have been on an inward journey of self-reflection. Of examining the thoughts and beliefs about self still governing us and our projections.

Things have slowed down. Of course, we might have experienced this externally, with travel delays, technology hiccups, and communication mishaps. But, Mercury has been in Virgo, a time to examine the details of our words and lives. To clean up the clutter in our minds. To organize our thoughts and get clear on what’s truly serving us.

Mercury will move into Leo and amplify those Leo themes of self, of ego energies, of our inner creative force too. Things from the past may be coming up also to see and understand from a new, wiser vantage point. We may literally receive messages from people of our past, and truly see and have more clarity now on what or who something was, not for the fantasy of potential we made them to be. But the nitty-gritty reality. The ugly truth. The mirror we saw but weren’t wanting to fully integrate the knowing or lesson until now.

Leo energy has asked us to rely deeper on the self now. And less on the ever-fluctuating mind. To lean into the gut knowing and wisdom of the “I am” solar plexus energy. The sense of self and who and what we stand for. Our sense of value and self-value. How sacred and precious our energy and light truly are, and that sometimes, it’s a matter of discerning our “no” and figuring out who really is worthy of receiving it, and being in alignment with our true self-value and honoring that fully.

We can all feel this uprising of energy in and through our bodies and energy fields to some extent. A fiery roar in the belly that says, “No more! I will not stand for ego games, judgment attacks, manipulation, spiritual narcissistic feeding frenzies bent on me compromising my heart or my sacred vessel and energy.”

Leo is the heart. The return to the heart. To love. To union within the self. To freeing up our heart space again from old, self-protective mechanisms. And also knowing when their is wisdom in that protection. To give love to the wounded, fearful self afraid of not receiving the love it truly yearns for. As we offer deeper love to all parts of self vying for our attention, we feel a softening toward self, a leaning in, a holding of our energy. A permission for all parts to be there, held in love and witnessed by the love we are now identifying as.

We will be having an electric full supermoon in Aquarius on August 19 at 2:26 p.m. EST. Landing at 27 degrees of the fixed air sign, this full moon will be a zesty one. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of awakening, change, innovation, unexpected developments, shocks, surprises, freedom, and liberation. The energy will be super charged with newness. More activity will be swirling about in the solar field, perhaps even more solar flare activity from the sun. Solar flares have been drastically increasing in intensity this last year, adding more intensity to this awakening process. Solar flares can be felt differently for everyone, but many will experience disturbed sleep patterns, increased anxiety, physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, digestive upsets, and also, increased psychic awareness and downloads can happen too.

This full moon brings a revolutionary energy to boot. A time when the evolution of our planet feels pressurized. That if we don’t change, we may very well be doomed to fates of past civilizations like Atlantis. Our technology has picked up immensely these last few years and AI is commonplace. Technology’s influence is growing and rampant. We are being warned that if we don’t balance these energies, we could in fact swing way too far into imbalance and destruction of life on this planet.

Uranus energy demands our highest truth and integrity. These energies demand our awakening to truth. No longer hiding away in fear of what we might see. Aquarius energy brings the strong visionary energy. Do we see a future vision of humanity totally enslaved to technology? Or do we envision one in harmony with the earth and in deeper reverence of life here on this planet? We all have the ability to envision a new earth. One of doom and decay. Or one of hope, healing, and promise.

We are in the energy now of the Lion’s gate portal, a window of time that peaks on August 8 where it is believed that the star Sirius aligns with the sun in Leo, bringing the potency of manifestation to a head. There is of course discourse back and forth between spiritual folk, whether this alignment is real or fictitious. But, perhaps, whether it’s “real” or not does not matter. Because what we give energy and belief to becomes real. That’s perhaps the bigger lesson and point of focus. Even with full moons and new moons, our beliefs of what is to happen sets the stage for the experience. So if we believe in this being a manifestation portal, then perhaps the power we give to it becomes tenfold to create something new. It’s all up to us and our individual power and attention, where we give our energy to.

Energy hygiene is becoming more and more vital too. We can feel when our energy is not our own. When we’ve allowed others’ energy to infiltrate and take a hold of us, when we are harboring parasitical energies. We are are learning how to discern and hold our own auric and energetic field. An ongoing practice and process of deeper self-attunement.

This full moon will be super charged with three separate T squares, the strongest astrology combination to boot. An intensified energy pushing us into our manifestation and creation energy. One of these T squares includes Uranus squaring the sun and the moon. Uranus has been in Taurus now for some time, giving us literal earth shocks in the form of natural disasters, tectonic plate shifting energy, financial structure breakdowns as well. The sun and moon squaring this energy of shock, awakening, and liberation may bring unexpected changes to our sense of self, shaking us out of any places where we’ve felt stuck and stagnant. Our emotions could feel electric and charged. Buzzy feeling. As if they are going through their own process of evolution and change. Change is the name of the game. Nothing is staying the same. And we shouldn’t expect it too. We came here to evolve and these energies are the reminder that change can happen in a nanosecond. An unexpected phone call. A death. A loss. A breakup. A health diagnosis.

So how to stay grounded and rooted in these times? Let the energy flow as it needs to. Calm and center ourselves and energy as best we can. When we feel ourselves spinning out, out, out, bring our attention back to the breath. Into the body. Into our direct environment. Bring compassion. Bring safety. Let things shift and change as they need to without getting overly attached to it or letting it define us. We may feel a push and pull with this energy too. With Leo and Aquarius energies as fixed, we feel an attachment to things staying the same. And yet, the Uranus energy pushes us to confront the change head-on and move through it.

Be so gentle with the parts of you also afraid of change and evolution. They always need more love, not less.

We are seeing the bigger picture now unfolding. Letting go even more now of the disappointments and mis-alignments. Knowing and trusting the redirection and that any rejection was the needed redirection to get us back on our path. That the people who have drifted out of our orbit weren’t meant to travel with us anyways. And were only a needed experience to see and know ourselves even more. To grow, evolve, and deepen into our soul truth and self-value. That there truly are no mistakes, only learning opportunities. And we could never truly fail, only deepen our understanding of the lesson.

We are rising up now into our potential, into newer parts of self, and this takes time and practice. Our boundaries have been strengthening. Who we let in and who we let stay. And who we know now will never overstay in our energy again. A sharpening of our razor-like intuition and self-honoring wisdom. We are so sacred.

The messages from our higher selves will be streaming in more easily during this time. The sun will be conjunct Mercury giving us a clear connecting point between our minds and our conscious selves. To communicate from our stronger sense of self now. To speak from our hearts. To bridge the mind and heart together again. The moon will be opposite to Mercury here too. A tension and pressure perhaps to communicate and speak the felt realizations of the heart. If we’ve repressed any feeling or emotion, this could be a great time to express it. Whether in a journal, to a trusted friend, or to a trained therapist. Our voices and truths need a space to be heard as we continue to move through these energies of awakening. So let the energy move up the heart into the throat and out into the channel of self-expression. We are the receiver of our truth. So let yourself receive it.

We will be moving into eclipse season in September, so we are in full preparation mode now. Getting more prepared for the changes up ahead. And it doesn’t mean we go into fear and panic mode. It means we deepen into the well of trust in the self we are now, that no matter what happens, we have ourselves fully now. Pluto will reenter Capricorn at 29 degrees on September 1 and be there until November 22. The final, final, for-real final closing of these energies that have been with us for over a decade now. So revisit them if needed, heed the lessons, integrate the wisdom, and clear out any residual energy that needs to go.

This full moon in Aquarius is here to set the stage. And the Leo energy brings the “rawr” energy in revolution. The love “rrrr-evolution.” Because we all have been feeling the internal roar lately and the call to love deeper, wider, and more boldly. The call to get free. The call to liberate ourselves from toxic energies. To become more sovereign and solid in the self we are now. More integrated in our healthy egos. To trust that even those who act in vile and repulsive ways are also on a journey of awakening. To trust the wisdom of consciousness through all forms it takes, even the narcissistic bending ways. Because we all have narcissistic qualities. We all can be self-absorbed and self-serving. So bring compassion there and remember your humanity too. That we are a part of a global community. And as much as we feel separate, we are all awakening together, even if at different points and speeds.

Let this full moon remind you of your interconnectedness to other awakened souls. Let it jolt you awake like a defibrillator shocking your heart awake with electric current and charge, restoring its rhythm and flow. Let the shocks move through you fully. Let this full moon awaken you to more soul truth. To more soul power. To more of what you truly are, divine co-creator and visionary. To evolutionary change and self-revolution. To more freedom and liberation of self and humanity. We are human for just a little while but souls for eternity.

Let the cosmic self speak in vibration now. In attunement of your energy. Deeper soul alignment. You. The. Powerful. Portal. Of. Creation. You. The. Receiver. Of Divinity. You. The. Channel. Of. Cosmic Consciousness. Let. Electricity. Awaken. You. To. More. Soul. Truth. Aho. Amen. And so it is.

Check out Anna’s podcast on the Aquarius full moon on Spotify or Apple.


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author: Anna Palmer

Image: tailored.art/instagram

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