August 12, 2024

Everything will be Alright.


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How do we know everything will be alright?

Many of us walk around thinking we just don’t have the good luck others seem to come by naturally.

We don’t find lasting love, we don’t get promoted, we can’t find a meaningful career, or we never seem to do anything inside our range of potential. Something always seems to get in the way.

But what if there was a different way of thinking about life, and it was completely within our control? What if we decided to believe the stars are aligned just for us in order to give us everything we want? What if, instead of feeling stuck, we trained ourselves to continually think the whole universe is conspiring to do right by us and fulfill our wildest dreams? Maybe every situation and person we meet is part of a shared conspiracy—to make us happy. What if we simply knew our own potential to succeed was limitless?

It’s an easy switch to flip (most of the time).

It’s not about “always looking on the bright side,” but rather, seeing every side and all the events we create in our lives as light bulb moments, moments meant as catalysts, and stuff for us to receive in a positive way. It’s a practiced mental state that transforms negative vibes and anxiety into something useful instead, and it keeps us from wallowing inside what I like to call the “trouble trenches” or feeling like nothing works out despite best efforts or intentions. Instead of reacting to bad circumstances, we can flip the switch and change the dynamic.

I call it the “everything will be alright” effect and it provides me with the sense of calm I crave, especially during these troubling times.

To view the world this way is actually an act of self-love and self-care. It’s being in the moment without thinking about the future or how anything will affect anything else we do. We can choose this view every time we feel emotional pain, for example. Feeling emotional pain but knowing everything will be alright (after time and processing) is an amazing energy shift. Most obstacles dissolve when our perspective swings into peace mode.

Viewing our “bad luck” as stepping stones to change (or helpful insights) creates a lightness that isn’t achieved when we focus on being stuck on our challenges. Happiness then follows.

How do we flip that switch?

1. We an identify our negative thought patterns. It’s not the negative thought that matters—we all have them from time to time. It’s the pattern of negativity. If we don’t banish the pattern, our cloudy thoughts pile up and weigh us down.

2. We can respond and engage socially as though everyone, everywhere just wants the best for us in every situation! We can exude kindness and empathy with difficult people (those who struggle with things we know nothing about), for example, or treat taxing events as part of our patience practice.

3. We can remember “permanence” is a lie. Nothing is permanent. This is fuel for the “everything will be alright” effect. Let time work its magic.

4. We can choose to believe in the good. It’s that simple. Choosing to believe “good” will always triumph over “bad” is a hopeful state, and hope keeps our jaded thoughts at bay.

Thinking and living this way promotes our greatest potential. When we believe the world is conspiring to help us, we can achieve love and acceptance within ourselves, but we can also extend those feelings to those around us too. Our negative vibes are often our conditioned, blunted beliefs which conspire to block the peace we seek. To the contrary, believing the world is good and wants good for us provides a joyful, receptive existence. It helps us trust ourselves and believe in possibility.

There are so many outside influences that affect our well-being. Political intensity, big worries like climate change and foreign conflicts, “all the things” that keep us spiraling the drain instead of propelling us forward can be changed with the simple belief that “everything will be alright.” This way of thinking effectively helps us cope by removing the weight of down turns and other heavy things so we can achieve what we want in life despite real (or perceived) obstacles in our way.

As humans, we need hope, and we crave hopeful feelings in what feels like hopeless situations. Flip the switch, simply choose to believe everything will be alright, and watch how it propels you forward.


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