September 10, 2024

Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse: Dream a New Dream into Being. {September 17/18}


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“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


“I say unto you: one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star. ” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche


What does it take to dream a whole new world into being, into existence? To birth a whole new paradigm?

What does it take to birth a whole solar system?

A whole lot of chaos and collapse. To birth is to bleed. To be reborn is to die. To end is to begin again.

We all carry these inner and outer paradoxes of life’s eternal cycles within us. We enter into this world formless. And as we take the form of these bodies, the form changes and shifts continuously throughout the course of our lives. When we leave this world of form, we become formless, infinite, and unbound again.

The soul is the formless essence of all life. The consciousness that inhabits all life on this planet is the interweaving web of celestial magic and nuanced energy. Some feel it. Some speak it. Some merge intimately with it. Some disregard its very existence as real.

But we are soul first, body second. We only inhabit the world of form for a little while. The soul is timeless. Ethereal. Intangible to grasp with a limited mind’s eye and scope. Blink and you miss it completely.

Those who’ve walked between worlds of spirit and form are the true seers and lifters of the veil between all that is. The oracles who share truths and messages of love and healing. The poets. The mystics. The night walkers of dreams. How to be in both is the task and the mission. The bridge between it all.

This is the energy and sacred code of Pisces. The dreamer. Thy mystic. The merging back into spirit. The lifter of the veil back to source. The disillusion between form and formlessness. Pisces feels and Pisces knows. Intuition is its guide and compassionate lens the heart and soul of the seer.

Pisces energy is water. It is fluid and dreamy. Ethereal in quality and grandiose in quantity of love. Pisces is the end and the beginning of something new. The letting go. The deep soul surrender. Pisces is deeply empathetic and sensitive to the pulse of emotional energy. To know Pisces energy in its purest sense is to know love.

The shadow of Pisces is the master escapist. The addict lost in a world of illusion and overwhelm. The hyper-sensitive and walled-off version of self. The dreamer lost in fantasy and delusion. Disconnected to form and disassociated from these bodies. We all have aspects of Pisces, shadow and light, within us.

We can see and feel these days the world of maya, of illusion. And yet, being a human is a lived, embodied reality we must show up for every day. The heartache. The pain. The hurt. The devastation. The joy. The bliss. The beauty. The wonder. The fullness of life, wounds, scars, and all.

Life is so fragile. So precarious, walking the needle nose wire at all times between life and death. A car on a highway driving toward its destination. Swerve and waver just a fraction and we collide in chaos and destruction. Life can very well be lost or altered drastically in the blink of a second and choice. A chaotic dance between life and death seduces and entrances us at all times. So we must continue or begin to bow in reverence to the Great Mystery of Life. To the grand unfolding of life, even in chaos and turmoil, in coming undone more and more each day. To bring the sacred back into desecrated places, including ourselves, the parts of self we’ve cut off and cast away as bad, unworthy, and shameful. To bring back into wholeness the parts of self we’ve rejected. To bring back to life the soul. And surrender the part of self that need to die and be reborn.

Many of us who have walked a path of darkness have often felt the desire to exit this world. Sometimes, we just want the pain to stop. To know what it feels like to be at peace. So how to bring peace to the chaos? How to remember peace in the chaos of these times? How to be a dreamer of peace?

The Pisces full moon and eclipse may show us just that. Landing on September 17/18 at 10:34 p.m. EST at 26 degrees of the mutable water sign, the first of two eclipses initiating us into an energy of intensity, change, deep soul surrender, and letting go. We are entering into this energy knowing that more must be surrendered to get to where we want to go. To become more free. To become more at peace. To surrender our stories of pain, unworthiness, and heartache is to bravely walk into the unknown story of future timeline creation. To dream a new dream for ourselves and for this world.

This will be the first Pisces eclipse since 2016 and the first in this exact degree point for over a century.

We have just survived a huge and intense Mercury retrograde. August was chock-full of energies of intensity, deep soul reflection, and charge. It was not an easy energy for many of us to work and walk with. With eclipse season here, we will be gearing up for more energies of growth, self-transformation, and perhaps upheaval, depending on how we look at it. Transformation is the name of the game. Even if the energy intensifies, we can always choose to give ourselves the most exquisite care.

We are coming out of the deep mercurial, mind underworld journeys. Where communication went internal, now coming back online. Uranus also stationed retrograde beginning of September and will stay until January 2025. We are embracing (or not) the energies of change, of innovation, of self-liberation, of shake-rattle-rolling our way into a new timeline (or not). The choice is always ours, of course. Uranus brings the shocks and the shake-ups. The jolts to our system to get us moving and back in alignment with source energy.

The sun has been in Virgo for the past few weeks now. Helping us connect with the day-to-day reality. With the routines that ground us. The work that occupies our energy. The health habits that serve us and the habits that deplete us. The monotony of life sometimes. The deep devotion to care for our bodies and well-being. To healing and embodying more of our divine energy.

Virgo is the perfectionist, though. The inner critic, in its detriment. We can expect a lot from ourselves and put too much pressure on our bodies and beings to show up a certain way. A more curated and manicured way. But the soul demands authenticity. To show up as we are. So we are learning how to meet ourselves with more compassion and love and let the parts that feel the need to hide away understand that they are welcome here too. Even if self-judgment still creeps in.

Virgo season has aided us in the list making, the habit shifting, the inner critic illumination. Where to tighten up and where to loosen our own self-scrutinization. How to cultivate sacred and devoted care but not in obsessive excess.

Obsessive and compulsive tendencies are rooted in deep fear and pain. Fear of losing control. Pain of loss. Fear of the pain in the loss. Compulsiveness is an energy of chaos and order. Order in the chaos. Making order of the chaos. A coping mechanism. A trauma bond to control. Or belief that we have control over something, anything. Over our bodies, over our environment, over others. A compulsion to be free but resulting in more self-imprisonment. A compulsion to feel safe resulting in more reasons to feel unsafe. And more rituals needed to find safety if just for one passing moment.

We all have ways in which we cope with chaos. With uncertainty. With pain. But we must sink deeper into the waters of the pain, not stay stuck on the surface of the compulsions to dismiss and avoid the pain if we truly want to be free and to heal.

Mars has shifted now into the sign of Cancer, the crab, where it’ll remain for much longer than is comfortable due to its retrograde on December 6 through February 23 of next year. Mars is the warrior and does not feel at home in the sign of Cancer. At its detriment, these energies are bringing us deeper into the emotions, the shifting moods of our impulsive reactions. Mars wants to charge ahead. Cancer wants to slow things down and feel. We may feel a push and pull energy with this longer transit. Slowing things down is how we connect to our heart’s wisdom, though, and sometimes there are layers of emotions to get to that truth and know how and when to act on its wisdom moving forward.

Virgo season reminds us to connect with the body, and sometimes the body has pain or unexpressed emotions that manifest as uncomfortable symptoms, imbalance, and dis-ease. It can be overwhelming and deeply soul-crushing to feel the body’s aches and cries for attention when we aren’t fully understanding the message.

Symptoms of pain or dis-ease in the body can be so unbelievably challenging and we may be resisting even the acceptance and surrender to the medicine held in the pain or symptom. We can become overly attached to the given state of harmony and homeostasis in the body and equally triggered and spiraled out when the body pain and symptoms are flaring. We believe ourselves to be the body, an overidentification with the body as a sum worth of our lovability and value. We mistake our value for the body’s fluctuating states and rhythms. And we become ensnared in our ego’s grasp to keep things just right and so.

Virgo energy in its excess can become overly fixated on the physical. So, we need the balance of the Pisces energy. To see and know ourselves as soul first and foremost, and to know that the soul is what emanates through the body. And we need not shame ourselves or make ourselves or our bodies wrong for speaking and expressing imbalance for us, even if they appear in “uglier” ways.

Compassion is the antidote always. For these bodies and for these human parts learning how to embody more divinity and soul in this exact form.

The full moon lunar eclipse will be highlighting where we need to let go of something, some habit, some belief system, some relationship or job, some outdated mode of operating. So we can boldly step into our new beginning that already is waiting for us. To see that we have had to cultivate the Virgo discipline to show up every day to the healing process. Give yourself ample credit for showing up each and every day.

This full moon will be conjunct Neptune (Pisces ruling planet), which adds another layer of these spiritual Piscean energies and themes. We are being invited and encouraged to dream a new dream for ourselves and for our world. Even if darkness has been felt more intensely in our individual and collective worlds. Because believing a dream and new outcome is possible is half of the manifestation process.

Our emotions might feel watery and a bit detached-feeling at the same time. Fantasies and illusions are being seen for what they are. We are being asked to trust deeply what is closing out. And to see what has been hidden. The energy of Pisces and Neptune bring our dreams back online. Are we truly ready to awaken our hearts to more of what’s possible for us? More than we could even imagine? To trust that the portals of death and deep soul initiation through darkness and pain have been the needed medicine to awaken our hearts to new life. To reach for a new beginning.

To forgive the self that chose fear and hatred instead of love and compassion toward self or other. We are healing our relationships with love and with others. Seeing where we have settled for less honor, respect, care, and dignity because we believed we didn’t deserve to be treated well. Venus was conjunct the south node in Libra on September 3, dosing us with relational energies of the past. Showing us our karmic wounds and ties to these relational patterns. Where we have abandoned the self to try to earn the love from another. We are ready for more though. More reciprocity. More harmony in our relationships and more balance.

Pluto has also recently stationed back into Capricorn where it has been since 2008 other than its brief entry into Aquarius. We have been trudging through the mud of outdated structures. Of feeling the karmic patterning that’s held us back and restricted us. This transit will finally end in November and we will welcome a whole new 20 year cycle of Pluto in Aquarius. The final push. The break before the dawning of a new era. Old lessons and energies may be coming up at this time, similar themes we’ve been working with since 2008.

This full moon will be making a grand trine with both Pluto and Uranus. A karmic releasing point. With cosmic support. To see where we have been resisting change in our own lives and to break us down in order to move ahead and forward. Soulful transformation bent on us saying “yes” to our cosmic mission.

The north node (now in Aries) will be shifting come January 11, 2025 into Pisces, so this full moon is perhaps a preparation clearing out point for that transit of energy. When the north node moves into Pisces, we will be encouraged to let go of karmic and outdated Virgo energies that no longer serve us (self-criticism, perfectionism, body obsession, and health fixation, obsessive and compulsive mechanisms) and asked to reach for the higher octaves of Pisces—our spiritual selves and dreams of what’s possible for us and humanity now. Let this Pisces full moon be a prelude of what’s to come, by connecting deeply with our compassionate hearts and striving to be a better steward of them now.

The next eclipse will be in the sign of Libra on October 2 for a new moon solar eclipse, highlighting our relationships. A new beginning point for relationships. So we best do the deep work now to release relationships that don’t fully align with our heart’s deepest needs, wants, and desires so we can be available for the ones and people who do and will.

So keep trusting. Keep showing up. Keep bravely showing up to these bodies and to your sweet self learning how soften, surrender, and trust. Keep allowing this exact soul path to guide you and remind you why you are here. Even if pain still visits. Even if discomfort finds you. Even if darkness of thought still ensnares and binds you. This human incarnation is one of the hardest choices we ever made as souls, but we chose it because we knew our soul would evolve deeply through it. And we are transforming more deeply and rapidly than we even know. So honor yourself. Honor your soul. Honor your body. Honor all that makes you you. Remember your beauty is of the soul and light you are. That the form you took is the exact and needed form and expression of divinity.

Let the full moon and eclipse season initiate you deeper into your compassionate heart. For all of you. All parts of your story and journey. For your fellow humans also learning how to surrender to love even more deeply.

Let this full moon soften you. Unfurl you deeper into the cosmic heart of love. Remind you that you and your pain are held in this love. You are witnessed. You are seen. You are heard. And there are no mistakes.

Let the full moon bathe you in your own divine nectar of what’s possible for you. Of your dreams still alive and real. Let the energies of water soothe you. Float you in a watery basin of love’s abiding presence. You are so worthy of it. You always have been. So worthy of receiving this love that is your birthright. Let. Love. Remind. You. It’s. Safe. To. Receive. It’s. Safe. To. Let. Go. Of. What. Is. Not. Love. So. Love. Can. Find. You. Let love find you here. And bring you home back to the cosmic love within and around you always. Aho. Amen. And so it is.


Check out Anna’s podcast on the Pisces full moon on Spotify or Apple.


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author: Anna Palmer

Image: tailored.art/instagram

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