October 14, 2024

Aries Full Supermoon: Rise of the Warrior Spirit. {October 17}


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{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


The churning seas. The shifting tides. The pulsating energy of the deep mama ocean. The mana of the ocean humming quietly and hauntingly in the distance, a cauldron and brew of impending and cataclysmic storms.

Do we stay and endure the storm or do we seek higher ground? Do we climb to safety pushed by fear or counseled by wisdom, or do we stay in resistance and rebellion against the force of potential destruction or in trust of the quaking tides to pass through us?

Potentially catastrophic weather events have swept over the globe as of late, some tragically so with monumental and disastrous impact and falllout and some gratefully so less destructive than predicted. Our beating, feeling hearts go out to those affected and directly impacted by Hurricane Helene and Milton. Homes wiped out and engulfed in a watery soup, people stranded without food, electricity, or any way to access resources, and many lives now since taken and lost. Many were marooned for days on an island lost in a sea of water, disarray, and material debris. The aftermath and recovery is still in the early stages as the shock and awe wears off in the areas of greatest impact and devastation. We pray for continued recovery and relief for all those affected.

These are the volatile times we are living in. A real, waking experience of living on the brink of collapse. Preparing for the worst but hoping for the best outcome. These storms have been supercharged in energy, making some wonder what might be driving their ferocious spirit bent on destruction, chaos, and perhaps more targeted and amplified ammunition.

With eclipse season moving in and out of the cosmos, and election season on the other side of it in the United States, we only begin to piece the story together by seeing how it all really fits into one. The changing of the guards is happening. A new era is calling. One bent on promise and restoration of stability and prosperity. We put hope into the arms and hands of the other side of the ruling orders, hoping and praying the men in Washington will perhaps still come to our aid and rescue. And yet, many are seeing that both sides are of a similar coin and currency of power, manipulation, and control, even if at first bending to our wishes and patriotism.

Many of us now are awakening to our power as sovereign, divine beings. Moving away from the toxic cycles of co-dependence on systems of corruption, dis-ease, patriarchal principals, false promises, and utter dependence on systems bent on siphoning our autonomy, identity, and free will, in exchange for our blind and silent obedience. We can see more clearly that if we stay the course of depending upon structures outside of us, we will never truly know safety and security in the truest sense. So we’ve been pushed out into the new frontier of self, of sovereignty, of leadership of our own energy and lives, of choosing the path of the individual calling, of courageously stepping out into the unknown creation path and saying yes to the inner knowing self.

This is the rise of the warrior spirit. The rise of the Aries fire. The straddling of the karmic cycles of co-dependence and the initiation into sovereign self. The Aries/Libra axis and relationship is one we have been walking for some time now as north/south node rulers. We have been deep in these energies and more so emphasized with the sun in Libra. A season of relational mapping. Of seeing and understanding our inter-relating patterns. How we still perhaps place too much emphasis on who we are in relation to other, and not enough on who we are as a stand alone, worthy in and of itself, whole now energy of self.

Libra season has highlighted our connections with others. Seeing where we are still giving too much power and energy to another to decide our value. And yet, if we stay cut off from connection for too long, avoidant of any semblance of intimacy and dependence, we become a prisoner in a single jail cell, starving for connection yet fearing the loss of control to another. Libra is the balancing of the scales, within and without. How to come into sacred harmony and balance within our relationship to self and with others.

Many of us on the fringe of life and pioneers in the awakening have been on a path of solo exploration, pushed out into the frontier of self chartering, asked to create the lives we truly desire. And this has meant getting crystal clear on our own energy, how we work with our energy, how we sort out our own energy imbalances, and how we tend to our energy on the daily. We have had to become masters of our own energy containment. Becoming wizards of the energy matrix outside of the matrix. Learning and mastering the art of skillful awareness, present alchemy, and inner excavation of outdated programming.

Eclipse season has brought us face-to-face with our unique and shared experiences of emotional purging, habit shifting, path reorientation, and course correction. We had a deep, karmic, and dark feminine new moon and solar eclipse in Libra on October 2, conjunct the south node and Lilith, both in Libra. A deep dive into our psyches and karmic undoing, into the shadow of the unconscious patterning. A rising of the feminine rage and energy of release. Learning now how to rise up into freedom, authenticity, true soul expression, letting our inner wild roar and speak truth.

This energy has said to hell with that pattern of hiding, concealing, accommodating, and withholding our authentic expression, light, and power. No more! No more bending and collapsing in the hopes that someone finally chooses us. Because we are choosing ourselves now. Out with the toxic narratives of needing to accommodate others’ energy before we embody our own fully.

The upcoming, fiery, packing-with-a punch-and-then-some Aries full moon says it’s time to rise up. Landing on October 17 at 7:26 a.m. EST and at 24 degrees of the cardinal fire sign, this full moon is ready to burn it all down to rebuild anew. Aries energy is the heat, the colander, the bonfire, the wildfire here to burn and make things new again. Because we are being made anew.

Aries energy is the leader of the zodiac wheel, ruled by Mars, the warrior, ready to enter battle at a moment’s notice. But, ruled by the head, Aries in its excess can let its ego go to war with other egos. And the result of ego warfare is ego amplification. Aries in its strength is pillared to its sovereign expression and rooted in its leadership and courage.

This full moon will be packing some punch as it will be directly and to the exact degree point conjunct Eris, an asteroid that hasn’t gotten the air time it is rightfully deserving of in astrology. Eris is named after the Greek Goddess of discord and is associated with the warrior Goddess spirit and conflict. She is a fierce and ferocious energy of the Goddess warrior spirit. She is the feminine counterpart to Mars, the masculine warrior. She governs the feminine side of aggression, war, assertiveness, and of anger. She is the undeniable and unshakeable strength and wisdom forged in the fires of the dark night of the soul.

Her transit through each sign is long, deep, and arduous. Since 1922, she has been in the fire sign of Aries and will be there until 2044. Embarking her war path of freedom and liberation, she roared into the 1920s with a zest to get women free again, the era of bootlegging and flappers. Her time in Aries has been spent freeing the feminine and women out of the prisons of oppression and limitation.

This full moon will be highlighting the Aries themes of passion and fire. But we need to be careful not to let this energy totally blow us out of the waters into unnecessary chaos and destruction. Channel the fire into the causes that need her fire and warrior spirit. We may be feeling the heat building internally, the gasket of anger brewing with this full moon energy.

Anger and rage are emotions that we have not always welcomed into the playing field because their primal energy is so fear-inducing and overwhelming. Or perhaps we learned that anger meant violence and harm. We may have learned from our primary caregivers their own inability to channel and self-regulate their own anger came out sideways toward us, and as the sensitive, empathic souls we were, took on this anger and assimilated it internally toward ourselves, somehow feeling deserving of this self-induced hatred. It’s time to cleanse this self-inflicted anger.

Anger is a yang energy and not one that is meant to fester inside of us for eons, otherwise producing physical symptoms of discord and dis-ease to get our attention to this repressed energy. And yet we can’t just callously throw our anger to the wind in hopes that it won’t burn others in its path. We must channel it. Fuel it into a stream of cathartic release. For some, this can be as simple as a guttural scream into void of our own safe haven and space. Anger is a primal energy and one that many of us have had to learn is even safe to feel in the first place, building our capacity and window of tolerance to this discomfort.

We need warriors of peace by knowing our own darkness and the darkness afoot, with wisdom and prowess, armed with grace, dignity, and discernment. Warriors of truth and warriors for love. With Mars still swimming in the waters of Cancer, ruler of the heart and feminine feeling space, we are feeling deeply the depths of our own inner waters and emotions. Things have felt a little moody and crabby, shifting from one mood to another in the blink of a nanosecond.

There will be a grand cardinal cross during this full moon with the Sun, Moon, Mars, and Pluto. A significant line up of energy bringing the intensity of action and transformation to the forefront. Our emotions are getting an amplification here too bring to light where we might still be fearing our own power and inner warrior spirit.

Pluto is still hovering in Capricorn for its final stay until it enters Aquarius on November 19, a welcomed relief ending a 20-year cycle of lessons. Pluto has just gone direct too on October 11th after its time spent in retrograde motion these last few months, an inner journey of power reclamation, death/rebirth, inner and outer transformation, and soul alchemy. Have we learned the lessons of inner and outer authority that we needed to learn? Have we changed our relationship to authority or taken more accountable ownership over our own lives and self-evolution?

This grand cross will be highlighting the actions we have taken and the ones we still need to take to initiate and allow for self-transformation. How to use the Aries fuel to step into more leadership of our own lives and energy, while holding the scales of Libra balance and justice to bring harmony to our decision-making. Wielding our inner Mars warrior to decisively know which steps to take and harnessing the Plutonian power of the soul to guide us into deeper soul evolution and soul power reclamation.

This full moon will also be conjunct to another more well-known asteroid, Chiron, still in Aries, where the wounded healer has been assimilating the lessons of woundedness and healing. Our wounds are still and always healing. The healing never truly ends. We just get stronger and more able to hold and contain the multitudes of this lived human experience. We have been on a bold, brave journey of self-healing these past few years. Initiated by fire into the depths of our own pain stories. Our own trauma bonds with pain. Down to the root of the wounded self, a once lost and rejected fragment of self energy, cast into the shadows.

We may feel the aches and pangs of these wounds a little extra during this full moon, as if our healing journey hasn’t quite culminated in the ways our ego would like just yet. How to hold the ache of this wound while trusting the soul journey we are walking? We must tread lightly and kindly with our hearts. We must give ourselves ample space and room to breathe in the light too.

Those on a conscious healing journey can forget to just live and experience life as it comes, without needing to dig so much into it all. What if living was all we ever had to do? What if we didn’t have to labor for the rest of our lives over the wounds that may never fully close? What if in knowing the wounds may still ache from time to time we get permission to enjoy the other pieces of the pie in our life?

We are rising like the wounded and healing warriors of purpose and truth we came here to be. No longer silent and afraid to be who we are. To authentically embody the soul expression we came here to be. To truly discover the self we are. Before we became interconnected with another. Unconscious enmeshment is out. Conscious relating is in. Consciously taking accountability and responsibility over our own wounds, energy, and power. And bringing our full, whole selves to our relationships with others. To let our fullness be seen and not have to hide or shrink anymore out of fear. To know that we are safe to be in our power and safe to be seen fully because we see ourselves more fully and wholly.

So we must keep walking on our path of sovereignty and self-leadership. And only aligning with connections that bring us into deeper self and soul empowerment.

Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, and luck has just gone retrograde on October 9 in the sign of Gemini and will be there until February 25, 2025. An inward journey and time to get clear on our growth and where we are self-limiting ourselves through the narratives and stories we still tell ourselves. Are our inner narratives self-demeaning and self-castrating? Are we diminishing our own power and worth by the words we speak internally still?

Our expansion is directly tied to our self-belief, and our self-belief is tied to the words we tell ourselves repeatedly. What if we really can rewrite the narrative of lack, unworthiness, shame, limitation, brokenness, and faltering into stories of inherent worth, abundance, and possibility? Let’s let our brains be malleable and adaptable. Fluid and flexible.

Let the curious Gemini energy play with what’s possible. Dance in the duality. If we’ve only known contraction in fear, so too can we swing the pendulum to expansion in love. If we’ve only known isolation and aloneness, so too can we lean into the other end of connection and belonging. Let your capacity for discomfort in the expansion bridge the way to more soul growth. That growth and change need not be as alarming-feeling to our nervous systems. Breathe and expand. Breathe and release. Let the breath be the guide toward your own expansion of energy.

Let this full moon awaken your inner warrior spirit. Let it shake you out of any post-eclipse hangover and slumber. Let the energy of fire light you up again with passion and purpose. To know that you are here for a purpose. Let the emotions of anger and rage be channeled healthfully for and into the awakening of humanity and guiding you into the awakening of the parts of you ready to take up more space. Let the wild, primal energy of feminine ferocity bring more life and juice to parts of you squelched and dried-up feeling. Let the shakti enliven your life force through dance, song, prayer, and ritual.

You are the ritual and you are the altar of your own becoming. Place fire on the altar of self-transmutation and transformation. Let the fires burn and purify all that is false within you. And awaken you to all that you already are. Whole. Alive. Breath of fire. Breath of life. Breathe it all in. And let all that is not of divine accord and balance within you go.

We are in the cauldron now. We are moving through the energy as we always do and will. Always here for us. For the awakening of all choosing to awaken in this lifetime.

May this full moon illuminate any shadows in the collective field. Bring darkness of deceit and harm to light. May we fool ourselves no longer and be not the fool of another’s programming. Rise warrior spirit. Rise warrior heart. Rise. Up. From. The. Embers. Of. The. Flame. Sent. To. Destroy. You. Wield. The. Power. Of. God. Goddess. Within. You. You. Are. Ready. You are being made ready. Fire. And ash. Water. And shifting seas. You. The. Eye. Of. The. Storm. Center of it all. Grand rising spirit. Let. The. Spirit. Within. You. Awaken. To. Truth. Power. And love. And know that you are that. Aho. Amen. And so it is.


Check out Anna’s podcast on the Aries full moon on Spotify or Apple.



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author: Anna Palmer

Image: tailored.art/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson