October 25, 2024

My Mom did not Raise an Insignificant Woman.

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}

For the past few weeks or so I’ve had a rumbling deep down in my bones. 

It’s deep. And it’s tectonic. 

Those plates are rubbing against each other and a magnitude 8.0 earthquake is gearing up. And, according to Michigan Tech, that means: “an earthquake that can totally destroy what’s near its epicenter.” 

Sounds about right. 

The epicenter of this quake is my rage and it’s located smack dab in the middle of the nonsense spouted by the Republican 47th governor of Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, when speaking at a Town Hall and attempting to take a jab at Vice President Kamala Harris. 

The governor made the comment that her children were what kept her humble and, unfortunately, Vice President Harris didn’t have anything to keep her humble because she had no children to do so. 

Cue. The. Rage. 

I’m grateful to say that the internet immediately responded. Which has given me some time to sit with my thoughts. There were no lack of responses pointing out this insanity. 

I sat with these words and all I could think was: children or no children, I don’t f*cking want to be humble. 

I don’t. 

I don’t aspire to hide myself under a rock. Why should I? I deserve to be just as loud and proud as anyone else.

Setting aside the thoughts I have about someone telling me I need to be humble and have children, as I sat with my feelings during these (long) weeks, I came to a conclusion that surprised me. I’ve concluded that being humble is exhausting. This must happen to men as well, but I’ve seen it most with women in my life. I’ve watched women take a step back. Shove away the complement of a job well done. Shy away from the spotlight when it’s their time to accept accolades. Push down the emotions that wage a tireless war inside, just to keep up the pace of day-to-day life. Avoid speaking up when they have an idea. Accept the double-standard or the quiet misogyny. It’s exhausting to keep letting it all drip off your back like a duck, and keep going.

I have to admit that reading some of the responses to Sarah Huckabee Sanders had me chuckling. Such as what Maraget Atwood said on X, “This comment is high-school level mean.” 

That’s right. We’ve entered “Mean Girls” territory.

But the Vice President clapped back. And my rage began to go from a boil, to a simmer. Because she gets it.

On the podcast Call Her Daddy she was asked about the comment and replied, “I don’t think she understands that there are a whole lot of women out here who are not aspiring to be humble…”

D*mn straight. 

She goes on to say that she believes it’s important for women to raise each other up. 


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Do you know that one of the definitions of humble is “insignificant?” 

Let me assure you—my mom did not raise an insignificant woman.

She raised a woman who was taught to speak to herself with kindness.

She raised a woman who was taught to feel confident in her abilities, but to be sure to appreciate the talents and capabilities of others as well.

She raised a woman who was taught to feel worthy of taking up space in this big, wide world and not feel sorry about it.

She raised a woman who was taught to speak her mind and yet still be open to learning what she doesn’t know.

She raised a woman who was taught to respect herself, and others.

She raised a woman who was taught to show up, sometimes over and over again, when it matters.

She raised a woman who was taught that empathy is urgently needed in our world.

She raised a woman who was taught that she mattered.

She raised a woman who was taught that worthiness comes from within.

She raised a significant woman.

She raised a woman who isn’t aspiring to be humble. Not one little bit.

Ladies, it’s time we step out of the shadows.

Not a single one of us are insignificant. And, dare I say it, our significance is not tied to our marital status or whether we have children. 

We deserve to take up space regardless. 

We deserve to let our voices be heard. 

And we deserve to speak about our accomplishments with the self-assurance and confidence they inspire, because we have worked for them. 

Raise up yourself, with pride, and pull up another woman with you. We’ve been humble for too long. And being humble is f*cking exhausting. 


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