November 27, 2024

Country Music Star Sturgill Simpson has a Message for the Patriarchy.

Have you ever been accused of being too “woke” when you were just trying to live by The Golden Rule?

Then this is for you.

Turn the volume on. Sure, this video has captions but your body (and mind) will thank you later for allowing these words to seep deep into your cells.

This is the message I needed to hear and I’m sharing it in solidarity with every other human being (and human doing) who may be feeling these feels and needing this exact same pick-me-up as well.

Our world might look (and feel) a little dark right now.

But messages like this that inspire hope remind us that there are only shadows because of the light behind them, waiting to be let out into the open.

And the light is never blocked out indefinitely.


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“…for anyone that’s pretty down right now, for those that don’t know how to deal with anxiety of the day-to-day that they find themselves accepting, I just want to tell you something that I believe. I think that this toxic patriarch energy that we are experiencing right now, this is an age coming to an end. What you are seeing is that energy clinging and clawing for survival because it knows it’s dying, and we are heading towards something very beautiful. And we just gotta go through some dark sh*t first to get there. Love everybody around you, don’t accept anything other than that, and f*ck sh*t up,” ~ American country music singer-songwriter Sturgill Simpson to an audience in Boston


A handful of comments on the video: 

“More and more of them know.” ~ @sophiabush

“So needed to hear a man say this out loud in a crowded room.” ~ @jessmichaelsspeaks

“Sturgill Simpson is a great artist, and it’s the artists, creatives and thinkers who often have the clearest lens. Good on him, looking beyond the darkness to the light in all of us.” ~ @gingermckchav

“Like they said in Batman, it’s always darkest before the dawn!” ~ @paige.reese

“Light will ALWAYS outshine darkness. But we have to keep acting and no cowering.” ~ @angelacarpita

“This is exactly what I keep telling myself. If paradigm shifts were easy, all civilizations would do it.” ~ @parkerwestvox


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author: Molly Murphy

Image: @shannonrwatts/Instagram