November 4, 2024

Taurus Full Moon: Cultivating Inner Security in the Quake. {November 15}

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


The ground is quaking and shaking beneath our feet now. Or has it always been?

Sometimes subtle and unnoticeable and other times the shifting of the tectonic plates beneath us feels like a held-in and long over due exhale of the earth releasing her fire and fury.

The stable foundations our world was built on are crumbling as we know it. No longer can we place our security and safety in outside source to save us, but many still believe that rescue in the form of external source is coming to save humanity from our possible fated demise.

Perhaps, in this next election all order and hope will be restored again, some believe. And, yet, others on the deeper, spiritual, and cosmic journey can see and sense a bigger, more trustworthy, but only deeply felt, picture of the resurrection of light and union with true divine source forming.

Anxiety might be looming in the shadows of our unconscious minds. What has come of this world? Where are we going? Will we make it to the other side of the ascension journey back into our divine light or forever be lost in the darkness of shadow diving, matrix programming, and implantations of fear and pain?

Some days, it is easy to lose hope and feel despondent of where humanity and the soul is at present. We look to the outside world and see chaos. We feel our churning inner emotional waters at times and deep discord even still. And yet, there are moments and hours of expansion energy more accessible. Of feeling our connection to the light, to our purpose, to our hearts again, to the possibility of what could be created after the collapse. The new can be terrifying and crippling one day and the next a portal to freedom and limitless and infinite potential.

In the United States, we are deeply and collectively aware of the political conversations at present, whether deep in the front row of the next parade and show of me versus them, or on the sidelines still tuning into its frequency of fear. And, yet many have been stepping out of the shadow boxes of collective fear and into their own shadow boxes of fear and pain wiring. To do the inner work. To do the deep sea excavation required to effectively bring about collective change.

Through the individual journey back into wholeness and self-reclamation of truth, we free the world still locked in chains of fear and pain. This is the truth many seekers know by now. But a truth still rooting itself deeply into the fabric of humanity.

This has been the journey of the sun through Scorpio the last fews weeks. The deep diving journey into the realm of the shadow, into the fears, the inner stories of pain and emotional repression. Into all that has been hidden from view. Into the layers of subconscious wiring.

Scorpio season has taken us deep and deeper. It is rarely comfortable for many of us. But it is a necessary part of the soul’s journey through the zodiac wheel. We had that potent Scorpio new moon on November 1, reconnecting us to the areas of life we are ready to power up into and own our power in a new way. Scorpio energy is ruled by Mars and Pluto, Mars being the planet of war, action, and aggression, and Pluto being the planet of soul transformation, change, death/rebirth and self-evolution, as well as our power. The two have been dancing together in conversation swimming deep in the waters of Scorpio.

Pluto has been making its way to the final degree points of Capricorn before it will finally be transitioning for the next 20 years into Aquarius on November 19. We are ready. We are more than ready for a change. For the lessons in Capricorn around structure, foundation, and authority to be more deeply integrated, and ready for the next and new lessons of Aquarius energy around freedom, change, innovation, and collective liberation.

Mars has been swimming in the waters of moody-feeling, shifting emotional states of Cancer, a place of its discomfort. On November 3, Mars in Cancer opposed Pluto in the final degrees of Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime. A big, powerful tension point was felt for many. Bringing our relationship to power and control to the surface. An initiation into deeper soul healing by bringing to light where our inner feminine and inner masculine parts are still at war perhaps. Where one still seeks to dominate and overpower the other through fear and control. Are we letting our fears dictate our choices still from a place of fear and lack? Or are we using our power wisely to tune into and connect with our inner abundance?

Change is happening. We all can feel it. And we can’t truly run away from it anymore no matter how hard or clever our old attempts to escape are. We are in the cauldron of soul transformation. Brewing and alchemizing a soup of emotional charge. Our reactions could be many and our emotions running higher into fear and anger. Remember your power. Remember the power you own more fully now. Remember all is happening for us, to get us connected and aligned with truth.

This will be the first of three Pluto and Mars oppositions until May 2025, so we will be working with this energy for a little while. We are in an ongoing container of change and transformation. To allow ourselves to be the vessels for emotions to pass through us and surrender to the soul cleansing and purification process. Pluto connects us deeply to the soul layers, and this can thread and weave its way into and out of different lifetimes and timelines simultaneously. So, don’t be surprised if over the next six months, emotions seem to intensify and then release as we work through the many layers of soul release energy, breaking freer from the older versions of self. Self-care coupled with a deep trust in the wisdom within that we have now to guide and hold us is more imperative than ever.

Mars thankfully shifted into Leo, a fire sign energy of more natural placement, later that same day. A welcomed shift back into passion, purpose, soul authenticity, and self-expression. Mars will stay there until January 6, where it will shift back into moody, broody, slower moving, deep feeling Cancer again. Mars in Leo is harnessing the energy of stepping deeper into our power and authenticity. Choosing ourselves and our souls over anything else, and acting from that place. Choosing our creativity and bold self-expression again. Not being afraid to shine our light and be seen. Letting our desires lead the way and committing more fully to the joy of living authentically.

Mars will be going deep into its own underworld and retrograde journey on December 6 and be there until February 23 but is now already in its shadow, preparing us with patience and endurance of energy for the long, slower moving journey ahead. A deep internal dive into our inner masculine energy. Where are we letting it lead us? Deeper into fear or deeper into our truth and our hearts? A time to reflect on our relationship to the inner and outer masculine energies. What needs more integration within ourselves to feel more deeply rooted to our healthy masculine energy? Which parts still are locked in fear, numbness, or shut down and control or avoidant behaviors?

The energies of our inner feminine hearts and masculine minds are shifting quickly. And, it’s taking time to truly integrate and balance the two back into sacred union. Relationships have been a big source of our soul-growth as of late. Especially with the sun in Scorpio and the Scorpio new moon, amidst all the post-Libra energies of the eclipses still percolating. Relationships are showing us our tender points and our growth edges. How we’ve been giving our power away still in subtle and more overt ways to another to decide for us our own worth, value, and lovability. Where we are still feeling vulnerable and wounded in our inner child parts of abandonment, betrayal, and neglect. And also where we are finally feeling more connected to our power and our truth. To our authentic soul-expression and boundaries. How to find and remember safety and security can only truly be found within the self and our connection to our divine source and intelligence to guide us.

This is the energy building toward the powerful and a bit-disruptive-feeling Taurus full moon, landing on November 15 at 4:28 p.m. EST at 24 degrees of the fixed earth sign. Taurus energy is connecting us to our stability and our security. But, the moon will be conjunct to the great disruptor and liberator, Uranus, also in Taurus. An energy of fast, unexpected change and shocking developments. It would be easy to feed fear story around this energy. To electrify the feelings of panic and paranoia. But with all this Pluto energy we’ve already been working with to reclaim our power of choice, we know a little better by now that where our attention goes, energy flows. What we give our attention to is what dictates our lived experience at any moment. So we must choose consciously. We need not be swayed and needlessly thrown around in the cosmic cauldron. Of course, things get stirred up, but we always have the power to become conscious creators and to shift our perspective.

So, as with all astrological energies and alignments, remember you are the conscious soul, here to remember your part in the cosmic journey, connected to all that is but not a victim to anything because truly no energy is ever existing outside of us that doesn’t already exist within. So, fear not, dear ones. With any big energy, our connection to our vastness and infinite potential becomes even more possible. To remember how infinite the soul truly is. To root deeply into the security of soul stability. As we are called to make the needed changes in our lives, we can sense how much more solid of a foundation in self we have now to support us. We are still navigating the unknown waters but with deeper support and stability within the self now.

Taurus energy is of the earth element. As much change and unpredictability there is these days, Taurus energy reminds us we are here on this planet with our feet on the ground for just a little while. How blessed we truly are to be and live in a human body, a truth that is so easily forgotten and easier to believe is a soul punishment for karmic misdoings in past lifetimes. And to forget that our souls chose to be here.

Taurus energy says slow down, tune in, connect to the earth, connect to the pulse of life right here. Feel the dirt of the earth in your hands. Look at an example of a flower or plant and notice the vitality of creation energy pulsating through it. Creation energy is within the fabric of this planet and within us. Even if external foundations are crumbling. Even if faulty structures are shifting deeply and rapidly. We are rooted. We are always as rooted in our inner security as deeply as we are rooted in our bodies. Amidst the quake of the soul and the collective, may we find connection to these bodies, these vessels of ascension. Through the body is how we descend and ascend back into the light. But, the journey here is to be in the body. And that is a journey of a lifetime—to learn how to be in a body and be connected to the wisdom of the body.

Where we may have placed those things outside of us in changing factors like political structures, our jobs, our monetary means, or in another person as a source of security. True security and inner stability comes from our connection to ourselves, our souls, and these bodies. This we are remembering. Taurus connects us to our values and what we want to build next, as well as our financial resources. Asking ourselves what we truly want is a great question of inquiry in any moment when we feel ourselves drifting away into fear and uncertainty. As a fixed earth sign, Taurus is slower to make change, but evolving out of our comfort zone is the only way the soul will grow. Taurus energy is here to remind us of our security and stability.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, feminine healing, our values, and love. How can we tune into the energies of beauty and feminine flow and grace when the world is getting topsy turvy? How can we reconnect to the pleasure and sweetness of life when our fears are extra loud? How can we allow for sweetness and pleasure to touch and infiltrate our beings from the inside out? How can we feel worthy of receiving our own pleasure?

Venus is now transiting through the more masculine energy and counterpart of Capricorn. Venus in Capricorn takes our relationships on a journey of deeper commitment and devotion. Where do we need to deepen our commitment to love? Capricorn wants a serious and devoted love. The long-term love. A stable love. A reliable love. How can we deepen our commitment to love as an energy and show up to our own hearts with more consistency? Leveling up and taking radical accountability for the ways we show up to love and let others love us.

This full moon will be full of change energy but deeply supporting the sun (our conscious self) in Scorpio and the moon (our emotional self) in Taurus with trines to Neptune and Pluto. A cradling of universal support and energy to remind us that we are supported through these big soul changes. Taurus energy is the body. Scorpio is the emotional depth held within the body. The intuition that connects us to the earth and tethers us deeper if we dare take the journey of embodiment. Saturn will be stationing direct in Pisces the same day as this potent full moon. We have more clarity coming of what we are closing out for good and a deeper trust in our intuition to guide us forward into the unknown and build the newer structures of our lives and our dreams.

Mercury will be stationing retrograde for its final one of the year on November 25 and remain there until December 15. This retrograde will be spicy and packing with a punch. So stay flexible and adaptable with travel, communication, and the mental energy going inward. Sagittarius season will be a welcomed shift into fire, and take inspired action and adventure energy on November 21. We are wrapping up this year of 2024 with a bang and then some.

This full moon is the needed energy of change to remind us that change is a constant especially with so much Pluto energy in the mix, but so too can we find and remember the inner stability we have been deeply cultivating these past few years. Our lives have changed drastically over this last year even. Many of us have relocated. Changed jobs. Ended marriages and relationships. Became a parent. Lost a loved one. Took a journey of deeper self-healing. Can we see how far we’ve truly come? And that we can trust this deeper stability within ourselves to support us even as more change comes our way and uncertainty in the collective looms.

Allow this full moon to remind you of the inner wellspring of support you have now within you. Of the embodied energy of trust you’ve been working with every day. That change need not be feared as much anymore because you know how to support yourself even more now. That abundance is a frequency we can tap into at any time. Feeling the abundance of life already here. Of creation energy calling to you to work more consciously with it. Let this full moon bathe you in permission to feel pleasure amidst the pain leaving you. As you feel and honor the growing pains and the conditioned pain body encoded in memories beyond our lifetime, may we not forget to feel and know sweetness. Even if in just a moment. A tender message from a loving friend. Therapeutic touch. Sensory pleasure of harmonious sounds and delicious food. Pleasure is a birthright many of us forgot as we became mired in our own pain bodies.

Let this full moon connect you deeper to the earth. To the dirt. To the trees. Even as the wind shakes and howls. Even as storms come to clear the path. Even if at first it feels like great disruption. Trust the soul to keep leading the way. Let the power you’ve been reclaiming be the source of stability to guide you. Let the illuminations connect you even deeper to your soul truth and purpose. Allow yourself to be here. Keep bringing more of your soul energy back into the body. You coming back online. You. The. Grand. Vessel. Of. Creation, Energy. Cosmic. Vessel. Of. Transformation. Energy. Let. Change. Awaken. You. To. More. Embodied. Power. Stable. Wise. Supported. Resourced. You. Becoming. More. You. Than. Ever. Before. Rooted and connected. To All That Is. Aho. Amen. And so, it is.


Check out Anna’s podcast on the Taurus full moon on Spotify or Apple.



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author: Anna Palmer

Image: Alex Andrews/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson