December 4, 2024

Gemini Full Moon & Last Full Moon of 2024: Expansion of the Mind. {December 15}


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“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


We are moving simultaneously quickly and slowly now into the last and final full moon illumination of 2024.

How did we get here already? It feels like this last year went by in a blink of the cosmic eye past and through us, a time continuum of velocity and speed through even more potent portals of change, transformation, and deep growth.

Things are coming to a close for the calendar year, but as with all spiraling and cyclical energies and astrological ones at that, the energies will continue on into next year.

This last year has brought us through and to the culmination point of big eclipse cycles of the Aries and Libra axis, mirroring the final few months of the Aries/Libra north and south node placements respectively. Straddling and balancing the line between sovereign self and soul and healthier, more interdependent relations with others, letting go of people pleasing and codependency patterns while stepping deeper into soul truth and soul path.

The shift of Pluto into Aquarius was a big one, but little do some know that we will be having three more outer and big planetary energies switching signs in 2025: Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune. So the big sweeping changes are just beginning, and Pluto was the first entry point.

The end of the year brings an acceleration and deacceleration of energy, propelled into the swirling of holiday season plans and travel while trying to slow down just enough to be present for the seasons greetings with or without loved ones. Lots of energy and emotions are moving.

Mercury has been retrograde in Sagittarius since the end of November and will be there until December 15, and finish out the year in shadow, still having its influence and effect on our minds, mental bodies, travel, and communication, and asking us to go within and reflect and review on themes related to freedom, truth, expansion, and higher mind.

We are deep in the cauldron of evaluating our belief systems. Which beliefs are ready to be transformed and rewritten? Where have we been operating from limitation and lack in our belief of what’s truly possible for ourselves to create and for the world? Where are we ready to expand back into possibility and potential of belief in a whole new self and world built on unity consciousness, love, peace and co-creation of abundance?

Mercury is the messenger of the gods here to help us connect to the messages we need to hear from our soul’s inner knowing and truth. We’ve been on an underworld journey into our own minds and excavating needed messages from the deeper truth and knowing within.

Jupiter has been aiding the conversation here, while it’s also been in retrograde and will remain until early February of next year. Jupiter has been in the sign of Gemini, the trickster, the twins, the energy of duality, play, and expansion of the mind and curiosity. We are expanding our minds to think outside the box and to experiment with different ideas and thoughts about what we want to create. Our minds could be a bit exaggerated here too and prone to overthinking and overanalyzing. But we also have the ability to repattern our neural pathways and create new ones that better serve our energy.

Jupiter and Mercury are both in their opposite ruling sign and in their detriment of more challenging energy. But both are in mutual reception of each other here and are helping to strengthen and provide assistance to one another. So there is ample support here for the mind to work with the higher mind and our truth. To use the mind in a way that serves our deeper soul truth and higher mind. A bridge between the micro and the macro. Between the details and the bird’s eye view of life. A reworking of the mind to better serve the higher order of life and our soul’s truth.

Both of these energies will be potent as we approach the final full moon of 2024, landing in the sign of Gemini on December 15 at 4:02 a.m. EST and at 23 degrees of the mutable air sign. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, so there is much conversation here between Gemini and Sagittarius (where Mercury is transiting). The sun has been in the fire sign of Sagittarius for a few weeks now and will remain until December 22, when the sun will enter into the grounded, practical earth sign of Capricorn. Sagittarius energy has brought the vitality and inspiration back a bit to our lives. The hope perhaps too that things can change for the better even if we are still stewing in some density of energy and letting go of what’s been.

Sagittarius energy has brought the fire of action and motivation, but we still may have had a harder time getting fully up and ready to take clear action with all this retrograde energy. Mars has also been in its shadow and stationed retrograde in Leo on December 6 and will remain until February of next year, switching back into Cancer. But we’ve already been feeling the slow down and minutia energy of feeling like we just can’t get going the same way we were. Mars rules action, motivation, and masculine energy, and in retrograde, our energy of get-up-and-go might feel more out of reach.

Things are slowly down and we are being asked to reflect on our inner heart’s desires to create and live a life full of deeper passion and heart-aligned purpose. Leo rules the heart and the inner child. Our inner creatrix. Where have we disconnected from the creator energy within in order to survive and hustle in this matrix? And where are our energy reserves being drained by the work grind culture and not replenished by our own creation energy?

The call of the soul to break free is getting louder. And we can’t silence the soul or our truth anymore. We’ve tried for many years, lifetimes even perhaps, trying to fit into a system bent on patriarchal hierarchies and rat-race mentality. Being connected to the inner creator, God, Source, Love, what have you, is becoming more and more vital if we want to truly be free from the chains that bind us in the 3D. Connection to our higher soul and self through the energy of creation is the key and the lock. We may wonder why we feel most alive in nature or connected to the natural world. It’s because creation energy runs wild and free here, where we can feel the pulse of creation energy and remember this vitality exists within us too; we only forgot to connect to it and give that energy a clear channel of self to run and create through.

This full moon is bringing an energy of mind activation and mind expansion. Gemini rules our minds. And the moon will be conjunct to Jupiter also in Gemini. Our emotions might be running and streaming through a more intellectualized framework, seeing and understanding the nuances of feelings and emotion from a more detached mental perspective. An overamplification of our thought processes about our emotions and psychoanalyzing the emotions that might be coming up can happen here too with Jupiter expanding the mind and our subconscious energy. We might be running in circles trying to understand and get clarity on our emotional state and what it is we need to do. There can be an energy here of excess worry, anxiety, restlessness, and it may be harder to sleep and settle down.

We’ve already been feeling some of this too, as we had that new moon in Sagittarius followed by strong influences with the Great Attractor, a region of gravitational attraction in intergalactic space outside of our solar system that aligns with 14 degrees of Sagittarius. Our minds are getting even more cosmic activation here to focus our energy on what we do want to attract, not on what we fear will happen. To remember how powerful of creators we truly are to magnetize to us what we desire. But this comes through conscious awareness and work. Recommitting in each moment to being more conscious and waking up to our patterns of going unconscious.

In each moment, can we remember the power of our thoughts to focus on what we do want and how we want to feel? Many of us have been programmed and conditioned by fear and scarcity mindset, so it takes true practice and devotion to rewire our minds to focus on the good, on what’s possible, and the abundance of love available to us.

Gemini energy is mutable air. Fast moving and curiously charged up about life. Gemini energy is the twins, the polarity of our opposing sides. Gemini is the lifelong learner, the jack-of-all-trades, the wearer of many hats. Gemini seeks to understand the world through thought alone and the assimilation of new information and knowledge. With the moon here, our minds will be connecting deeper to the subconscious thoughts and habitual patterns of thinking. Illuminating our attachment to our ideas and our thoughts.

Most of us live in the world of the mind and thoughts (Gemini), pulled this way and that by our never-ending inner narrative based on our beliefs (Sagittarius). The Sagittarius polarity and solar energy is asking and inviting us to step out of the mind and into life again. To chase the adventure that is life. To be in the lived experience of life. Sagittarius governs our belief systems, which dictate our stream of conscious and unconscious thoughts. Sagittarius energy asks us to zoom out and get perspective on ourselves and our lives. These two will be conversing and interplaying with each other for this full moon illumination. How do we stop thinking so much and start living again? How do we expand our belief systems so we can start to build new thoughts of possibility and hope?

Gemini energy needs the exchange of energy with other. Sharing of our ideas and thoughts can create mutual reception in speaker and listener. Gemini is the messenger. We may be more sensitive and attuned to words and communication and the nuanced energy around those things during this time. Especially with Mercury going direct, the energy of language and communication will be speeding up again. Gemini energy asks us to speak the needed, thought-out (but not overly so) messages.

Mercury has asked us to slow down and listen inwardly first to the messenger within. What are they needing to say? What message from our inner being has gone unheard by our own ears? How can we speak and listen more acutely? How can we be more impeccable with our word? To know that the words we speak cast spells each time we give life and energy to them. When to speak and when to be silent is an artform. Words are spells, and sometimes we entrance ourselves within the hidden meanings we give to words. Communication and linguistics comprise the study of letters and sounds, and how we take meaning from these two things. Gemini energy asks us to be a better, more effective, and clear communicator with others.

This full moon will be square to Neptune adding a bit of dreamy confusion, though, to the mix. We might not be getting the clarity yet that we want about things and where we are going. Our dreams might be ramping up here too, perhaps though with some messages for us, but a bit unclear ones at that. It’s almost as if we need a translator to decode our own messages from within the dreamworld. And maybe it’s not meant to make sense just yet. Perhaps we are still meant to be in this liminal gray space between black-and-white thinking, gestating in our dream world. Between right and wrong. Up and down. Neptune stations direct, though, on December 7, so our dreams are slowly coming back online and we may feel a bit more ready to start to slowly move forward into these soul creations. Our spirituality is coming out of its internal dive and back out into the world, perhaps connecting more with others on a spiritual level as we connect in the thought realms with this Gemini moon energy.

We are still carving this soul and spiritual path as we go, a little brick at a time, building a stronger foundation of self. And when the nodes of the moon shift into Pisces as the north (where we are going) and Virgo as the south (what we are leaving behind) come January 11, we will be asked to take this foundation of sovereign self and come back home to the truth of our spiritual nature and begin to create our lives and path forward from the soul vantage point of our true spiritual home and source, as we release perfectionistic thinking and our rigid mindset.

We end this year with Chiron, the wounded healer, stationing direct in Aries. The past few months we have been reflecting and revisiting the wounds we carry within the self. The oh-so-sensitive and vulnerable feeling parts of self. Where we still carry a tenderness around us. And we’re able to hold ourselves and our healing processes with so much more containment, compassion and care, without the spiraling and doom and gloom we were accustomed to. The wound still may be there and still may be healing in layers, but we aren’t as victimized, led, and powerless to it dictating our daily existence. It’s a part of us, this wound, and we are coming to realize healing happens daily, in the small moments where we feel freedom and joy again, love and connection, safety and openness to the new. Healing is continuous and interwoven daily into our lives as we expand and remember who we truly are: infinite, divine source consciousness.

Let’s end the year 2024 with a bow. Bowing to the wise elder within. Bowing to all that was meant to break us down. Bowing to the guru within on the lotus flower from the mud of self-awakening. Bowing to the pain and grief we allowed to move through us this year. Bowing to the beauty of all the moments of hidden and more pronounced celebration. We bow to the human learning how to let themselves be human. We bow to the soul remembering itself as such. Let’s end this year with a nod to all the forms we’ve taken this past year. A nod to the self that was. A nod to the self we are becoming. Let’s end this year with hands gently placed reverently on our hearts, in gratitude for their beating and devoted commitment to life. For feeling it all and still choosing joy and aliveness. Let’s end this year with deep acknowledgment to all that we are. Human. Soul. Child of the universe. God incarnate. Spark of life. Learning vessel. Here to learn. Here to grow. Here to experience it all. Here to expand the mind in equal proportion to expansion of the heart. Here to expand. And contract as needed.

Let this full moon expand you into newness. Into possibility of becoming new again. New in thought. New in even just an idea. A rebranding of self bent on a true remembrance of soul, divine self. Let this full moon remind you that life can be lived solely through the mind or experienced in the lived, breathing adventure of it all. And maybe it takes a little bit of both to make a life. Bridge the mind back to the body and let yourself experience what it is you came here to experience. Let this full moon awaken your curiosity. Awaken your playfulness. Awaken your mind to what is possible. Expansion. Let. Yourself. Expand. And. Grow. Curious. Child. Let. Your. Mind. Roam. In. The. Places. Of. Truth. And. Freedom. Free. Your. Mind. And. Find. Your. Soul. Aho. Amen. And so it is.


Check out Anna’s podcast on the Gemini full moon on Spotify or Apple.



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author: Anna Palmer

Image: giuliajrosa/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson