January 12, 2025

6 (Superb) Relationship Goals for 2025.

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Romantic relationships don’t run on autopilot.

I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll say it again. Relationships take work. If partners don’t check in with each other on a regular basis, the relationship might die a slow, ugly death.

Every couple who’s serious about maintaining and strengthening their romantic experiences should set the stage for a happier relationship. The only way to do that is to constantly define what we want, expect, and feel.

No matter what gets in the way of our relationship, we should be committed enough to make an effort every single day. All relationships have problems, but not all relationships have a purpose. That’s exactly what softens conflicts and misunderstandings.

When we share the same purpose and vision and look in the same direction, we can evolve as a couple and set realistic goals that both partners can achieve.

The goals should be achievable. They should help us to improve and strengthen our relationship. We always set goals like going on more vacations, planning weekend getaways, or trying new meals. It’s time to connect with what we really need and set goals that are deep, intentional, and sustainable.

Here are six goals that have personally improved my relationship:

1. Make time for others.

They say that couples should prioritize quality time together, but no one talks about how making time for others is equally important. Living in our own romantic bubble and spending too much time together is detrimental to the health of our relationship. We need to carve out time to socialize and make friends, as it improves our overall well-being and strengthens our intimate connection.

2. Keep trying.

Sometimes relationships temporarily break, and that’s completely normal and fine. Both partners should be willing to work on it and make the time to foster healthy communication. Working toward constant growth and resolution is the best thing we can do if we believe that our partner is worth the effort.

3. Lower your expectations.

Having unrealistic and unreasonable expectations can potentially harm relationships. When our false hopes aren’t met, they create tension and lead to disconnection between partners. It’s crucial to talk openly about our needs and expectations so we don’t feel constantly disappointed by our partner.

4. Befriend each other.

Make it a goal to become friends with your partner—every single day. What makes most relationships flourish is the ability to have fun together, to listen without judging, to share interests, to spend quality time together, and so on. Making an intentional effort to invest in our partner can help the relationship to blossom.

5. Be accountable.

Building accountability in a relationship can bring about many positive changes. When we recognize our responsibility in causing stress, confusion, pain, disappointment, or any other unpleasant emotion, we help our partner to feel empowered and comfortable. Acknowledging our mistakes also helps us to be self-aware and foster an atmosphere of forgiveness.

6. Speak each other’s love languages.

Love languages are the way we give and receive love. Every person experiences love in a different way; that’s why it’s essential to know what makes our partner tick. There are five love languages: words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service, and gift receiving. Which one is yours? Share it with your partner and learn more about theirs.


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Mizuno K/Pexels