January 6, 2025

Cancer Full Moon: The Wounded Warrior Returns Home. {January 13}


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“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


A brand new year has begun.

And yet, shards and remnants of last year’s journey and beyond are still in process.

Many have chosen to end toxic, nonreciprocal, emotionally devoid, harmful, or avoidant relationships with perhaps a person or a particular work or environmental situation or habit.

And still, ending a certain type of relationship often means ending a pattern within the subconscious template of its creation in the first place. This is why this process and energy of release penetrates all layers of our being and takes time and diligence, as well as patience and grace with the self, to fully unwind the energy. Our relationships to others usually mirror a way in which we have learned to relate with the self.

This is the Aries/Libra axis and the self and relational themes we have been working deeply with since 2023 as the nodes of fate transited through Aries as the north node ruler and Libra as the south node ruler. Relationships of all types have been the center stage, as well as our call to become more autonomous, sovereign, and authentically led onto the path of soul calling. To use relationships as the portal and mirrors they are to deeper self-discovery and self-reclamation.

The energy these last few weeks has been intense, exhausting, exciting at times, emotional, and physically demanding. Whether it was the holidays or the energy from the Schumann resonance and solar flares constantly bombarding our energy fields, keeping us awake and anxious at night unable to fully rest, or too dog-gone tired and lethargic to truly get motivated to take action, our physical bodies have been through so much lately. So much loss, letting go, energy upgrades, and activations.

Deep into Capricorn season now, the physical world calls to us. The responsibilities. The duties. The work we do in this world. The goals and visions we have to build. The foundations we need to create to reach new heights. Capricorn season can feel a bit like drudgery at times. Especially with Mars being in retrograde, our steam is slowly dwindling. So we must learn to consciously work with these energies and allow them to serve our collective and individual evolution. Because they truly are here for us, to help empower us on a deeper level to become the co-creators and alchemists, fully in our power.

We had a new moon in Capricorn on December 30, an ending of a year with a new beginning. We were called to initiate and plant new seeds for our long-term success, to start to get clear on the foundations of life and structures needed to support our energy and life now, guided by our fortifying inner wisdom.

A day before this new moon, Chiron, the wounded healer, in Aries, stationed direct, bringing us deeper into the healing journeys we’ve been steeping in. Chiron shows us the crack so we can let more light stream in. The wound is where the wisdom pours in. The wound is the portal back to God. But, first we must feel the pain, the ache, the chasm between us and love. The abandonment, the aloneness, the separation, the loss. We must let that energy move in and through us fully. The wound of our self-identity is one we know well by now. It may still govern us to some extent, but we are seeing more clearly how to fully embrace it as a part of the journey into deeper self-love and self-acceptance.

Mars retrograde moved back into Cancer on January 6 and will remain there until February 23, bringing the slow down of emotional processing we are probably needing after a big last year. Mars in Cancer highlights our inner processes and sensitivities in relation to our past actions, how we’ve been taking action, whether from an empowered emotional space or from a disempowered and weakened emotional space.

Cancer governs the energy of the past, so we may be reflecting a lot on the past choices we’ve made. But we can’t stay stuck there forever. Cancer energy in its highest can bring compassion and motherly love to give us grace and forgiveness for acting out in ways that were not of love but rather of fear, anger, or hurt.

Mars in Cancer is moody, broody, and emotional. So tend gently to your emotions these next few weeks and bring in even more nurturing care for your precious self feeling so much. Because when we are struggling emotionally or energetically, many of us have learned ways to push, override, neglect, and bypass our needs for more care. This is conditioned and learned behavior that we feel we are not worthy of care when we are struggling or depleted. So the challenge is to rewrite the programming and give ourselves even the smallest gesture of care and love, maybe a kind word internally to our hearts, validating its pain and emotional discomfort, or perhaps slowing down when we want to speed up and hurry through our day, or maybe asking for a hug or some care from another if accessible.

Many of us with deep-seated attachment and mother wounds learned that we were not worthy of basic care, nurturing love, and presence. The mother wound goes so deep in many of us, and it is one that Cancer energy connects us back to, to heal and reparent the unloved child within. To call upon the energy of the Mother, the Universal Unconditional Loving Mother that holds us all. To remember this love is a part of us and never truly left even if the form of our own mother and their inability to fully love themselves and us was what we learned as love.

Cancer energy will be ruling this upcoming first full moon of 2025, landing on January 13 at 5:27 p.m. EST and at 24 degrees of the cardinal water sign. We begin this year with a sensitive full moon chalk full of emotion to brew. A call to feel deeper into our heart’s aches and sensitivities. A deeper invitation to address mother wounding and heal on a deeper level of our being.

Cancer energy is water. Fluid, emotional, and deeply connected to the intuitive channel of felt, inner knowing. Soft and vulnerable. But the strength of Cancer is in its grit. The strength of its ability to love, to offer kindness and empathy, to care, and to nurture. Cancers can often forget to nurture the self and focus too much on caring for others, or may feel unworthy of self-nurturing, especially if there are unaddressed mother wounds.

Cancer energy is the past, our familial roots, our ancestry, and our home. How we learned to feel at home or not to feel at home in our bodies and beings. How safe and secure or unsafe and insecure we felt in our homes as children and how that has shaped the texture and flavor of our nervous system wiring. Cancer energy is ruled by the moon so it feels at home here. Our emotions will feel deep and raw. Like our hearts are being split open a bit if there is any guarding or self-protective patterns at play. The heart healing is the hardest healing sometimes to address. Our core attachments and learned experiences of love and what we had to do in order to be loved instead of being loved exactly as we were and are.

This full moon is a call to come back home. To gather the wounded warrior energy within and bring our full selves back home to our energy and hearts. To remember and repattern a felt sense of safety and belonging to our own hearts and selves. This Cancer full moon brings the feels but also can bring the heart healing after so much loss and letting go. How to heal the core wound of abandonment, of rejection, of feeling like we are not enough, or fear of being too much, of being unloved? Reparent the child within. Unfortunately, no source external can do that work for us. Of course, loving, safe, supportive, and healthy relationships can help mirror back this love, but ultimately, we have to bridge that love back to the unloved parts of self.

Cancer energy is related to nourishment as well. How deeply we are feeling nourished in our lives through food, habits, and behaviors. Food is such a primal source of nourishment. And care for our bodies. Many of us have learned patterns of coping around food when we are feeling emotional or upset. Food is a direct relationship to our inner mother wounding. Do we starve, punish, and restrict ourselves from food? Do we have controlling or fear-based mindsets around food? Do we wonder if we are worthy of nourishment? Do we fear and resist our own hunger? Do we feel guilt and shame around our food choices and habits?

Food reveals our deepest wounds in relation to nurturing energy. Food is inherently emotional. How do we relate to food when we are hurting, grieving, or feeling afraid or overwhelmed? Do we withhold nourishment, forget to nourish our bodies from disassociated mechanisms, or do we eat in excess and numb out all feeling and sensation? We must bring lots of grace and compassion to the parts of self that learned how to get their needs for love or safety met through food or a lack there of. It takes time to relearn patterns of somatic self-care and self-attunement. And we are allowed to be imperfect and not always get it “right” either. We are learning and we are healing these deep core mother wounds, and it takes time to unwind.

This Cancer full moon will be making a T square with the sun in Capricorn to Chiron, bringing up these areas of wounding and sensitivity. Capricorn bridges the inner father energy and Cancer, the mother, so perhaps a perfect setup for inner reparenting is possible here. Yes, we will most likely feel the earliest wounds in relation to our sense of self and self-identity, but so too can we now bring the highest version of love from the father and mother archetype to bridge healing. Cancer energy is the emotional landscape, whereas Capricorn is the practical. We need the balance of the two in synastry and synergy. To honor the emotions we feel while still holding the containment and structure of the feminine to flow and be held in safety.

This energy is working with the ongoing conversation between Mars and Pluto, where the opposition of the two is deeply transforming us and will be for the next few months. A major rebirth is underway. A rebirthing of our power and soul empowerment. Mars is the courage to boldly move. Pluto in Aquarius now is the collective energy rising to break free. By traveling deep into the underworld of what is holding us back, and shredding the old to pieces in order to birth the new version of self and the collective. There is no bypassing the discomfort of birth. Old emotional wounds and traumas might be resurfacing through this opposition, which can feel destabilizing and intense or as if we are going backwards, but Pluto demands we confront our fears and limitations head-on. Especially with this Cancer full moon energy, these themes will be amplified. But through this vulnerability of grieving the loss of the old self, new life emerges.

This full moon in Cancer will be making some positive aspects, though, to help boost our creative and spiritual energy. The moon will be trine to Neptune, which will emotionally connect us to our creative process and spiritual unfoldment. Can we allow our creativity to be a channel of powerful alchemy and empowerment? A way to connect deeper with our emotional processes and funnel it into a creative flow? To see the bigger spiritual perspective or our emotional healing journey? To understand that we as souls came here to feel and deeply connect with the emotional realm of being human?

It’s a potent time to connect with your creativity practices or to develop ways to connect to this creative channel within you. Dance, music, writing, poetry, singing, and cooking are all ways to connect. Connecting with our sexual and sensual energy can also be a beautiful bridge to our creativity.

The sun in Capricorn will be trine Uranus, reminding us of our dedication to freedom and innovation. Of doing things differently than what is accustomed or tradition. Of thinking outside the box and expanding our perspectives. Capricorn is tradition, but Uranus says, “Hey, what about this? Can we bring new energy to the old way of doing things and watch it transform and be revitalized?” Uranus will station direct at the end of this month on January 30, bolstering the desire for liberation after an inward journey spent reflecting on the changes we need to make in our lives to truly break free of stagnation and limitation.

Many of us get stuck and stagnant in daily routines and doing things the exact same way over and over again, taking the same way to work, doing the same workout routine, and it’s no wonder we feel numb and disconnected from our vitality and creativity. These transits ask of us to shake it up. And get creative. To feel that desire for change and lean into that flow.

If we’ve built patterns of safety and restriction and constriction in our energy upon doing things the same every day, it can feel scary and threatening at first to do things differently. But, then comes the burst of creative juices flowing in again! Hooray! So we must stick with the momentary discomfort and perhaps emotions we were avoiding and suppressing in order to feel that vitality come alive again in us. Our creative energy, after all, is connected deeply to our emotional energy. How deeply we feel is how deeply we create. The two go hand in hand. Feeling like you aren’t creative or can’t feel that creative spark? Probably some stagnancy emotionally or emotional unwinding to do first.

The full moon will be conjunct Mars, so our emotions will truly pave the way here. Be aware of defensive reactions or triggers coming up and use this energy of emotional activation as fuel to connect more deeply to that creative well within you rather than lash out at others. With the sun in Capricorn, we are reminded to take accountability for our energy and emotions at all times, no matter if others activated them in us. Come back to a sense of grounding here, and take responsibility for your emotional triggers. We are the only ones responsible for how we feel.

We are shifting now from the relational and self axis of Libra and Aries as south and north node rulers into the axis of Pisces and Virgo. Pisces will be our north node ruler beginning on January 11 and Virgo as the south node ruler for the next 18 months. A time of spiritual awakening and alignment to our spiritual selves and gifts. A direct call from the soul to embody the spiritual gifts awakening now. Leaving behind the perfectionistic thinking that we had to perfect our bodies and selves in order to be worthy of love. Bringing the health-minded models with us and knowing that our body’s healing is directly connected to our spiritual healing. The soul path guides the way now and we are asked to embody it on an even deeper level. To be of service to others along the spiritual path by embodying our spiritual gifts and our light fully. Embodying our light is the greatest act of service. Allowing compassion to be our guiding light forward.

Things are shifting fast and faster now. Our spiritual gifts are waking up. We are remembering who we are on a soul level now. Activations abound. And inevitably, old emotions and energies will continue to come up to be alchemized. We must keep allowing the ebb and flow of it all. Like the ocean rising and falling with the tides and the moon. Connecting deeply with the waters within and around us. Water has healing codes and memories for us if we so choose to connect. Let the energy of this Cancerean water heal and cleanse you fully. Let it wash you from inside out of all the old hurts and wounds you still carry around being loved in this world.

Let the energy of this full moon bathe you in deeper release of old pains and heartaches. Let this full moon call you home deeper to yourself, deeper into the mystery of your soul self. Allow this full moon to remind you how to feel safe and secure in your own energetic template. Allow the heart to open now. To soften. To expand. To feel what’s possible. To let go of old hurts. To courageously feel it all. Through. Feeling. We. Heal. Through. Healing. We. Feel. All. That. Is. Not. Love. And. Remember. That. All. We. Are. Is. Love. Come. Home. To. That. Love. And. Let. It. Bathe. You. In. Infinite. Permission. To. Be. Fully. You. Divine. Child. Holy. Mother. Holy. Father. Aho. Amen. And so it is and shall be again.


Check out Anna’s podcast on the Cancer full moon on Spotify or Apple.



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author: Anna Palmer

Image: giuliajrosa/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson