Life is a juxtaposition of joy and pain, awesomeness and monotony.
It is unequivocally infused with a plethora of aromas and flavors—sweet, salty, delicious, pungent, nourishing, and toxic. Consequently, these flavors steer emotions—happiness, sadness, fear, anger, numbness, love, hate. Grief, too, which justly describes as “the container that holds all of the emotions felt as a result of loss.”
On October 5, 2024 at 16:45, my adoring friend of heart, Christos, crossed the finish line of his time on Earth at age 53. Christos was a rare gem; an infinite source of light and inspiration in myriad ways. He was the epitome of kindness and compassion with a heart bigger than him. He was our oasis of calm, with a distinct humor and a theatricality, which always added a generous dose of lightness to life’s adversities.
He was magnanimous with a pure heart, modest, and benevolent. He was the perfect host and cook. He was a visionary, who so generously shed light to our path. But, above all, he was our doting friend, a perpetually, shining Lighthouse, who illuminated our path amidst calm and turbulent times.
While these past three months have been stained with excruciating pain and overwhelming grief, these sour emotions have oftentimes pointed me in a certain direction to navigate life with gratitude. It feels as though our “Lighthouse” continues to illuminate our path, only now with his golden, celestial aura.
Seemingly, grief can occasionally act as a cacophonous gift of love—a sweet reminder that we were, and still are, fortunate enough to love and to be loved. Grief irrefutably connects random dots with the world and with others, but most importantly, with ourselves. Admittedly, through this connection to dear friends and acquaintances alike, I have realized that collective grief somehow alleviates the piercing pain. Each story, each memory, each photo shared, evokes a deeper understanding of life’s impermanence as well as the significance of togetherness and solidarity.
So, I make a timid attempt to transport myself to those brilliantly memorable “seasons in the sun” and consciously take baby steps to celebrate my Friend of Heart with a smile, to honor his legacy and to keep his treasured memories deep in my heart.
Christos’ life philosophy, nuggets of wisdom and unparalleled legacy will permeate the air we breathe in perpetuity. And we shall refer to his Golden Book as often as we can.
>> Simplify life
>> Get rid of all the clutter in material objects and humans
>> Pursue your dreams and ambitions passionately
>> Live meaningfully
>> Enjoy the present moment wholeheartedly
>> Live a healthy life: feed your body, exercise, and nourish your soul
>> Have faith
>> When you cannot change a situation, change your attitude
>> Be in tune with glorious nature
>> Make time for meaningful, human connection
My dearest friend, your passing has left an indelible mark on my soul with a spectrum of emotions. Yet, whilst 2024 will always be defined by your precious loss, I promise to remind myself of how fortunate I was to have basked under your Light.
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