January 30, 2025

How to Ground Ourselves amid Energetic Shifts as we Enter 2025.

I, like so many, have been noticing that this is a time of massive expansion.

After days of feeling an intense purge in both our energy and our bodies, we are starting to feel the shift to a new energetic frequency.

My goal is to explore what is happening, on an energetic level, and then dive into practical and healthy ways to move through this time.

As always, old ways and patterns need to come to the surface to be cleared before there is enough room for the new to land. This is why we have been feeling so much discomfort, tension, anxiety, irritability, and restlessness, as well as excitement, newness, and potential, like something big is brewing.

We have been feeling the old in order to transmute it. These energetic upgrades have been intense, and further upgrades are coming.

During this time, it’s important that we work on ourselves and our own vibration, so that we remain centered and grounded under the pressure—knowing that all that is shifting, all that we are releasing and embracing now, is for our highest good. It’s also important to not resist the flow of emotions or inspiration that come, accepting that chaos is also part of the process. We need to accept things as they are and accept that this time and energy will take us where we need to be.

Know that you are not alone in this process. Many feel it.

We will now be stepping, or even leaping, into new rooms of experience and new choices that are more aligned with who we have become. We are moving one step higher on this journey of evolution, awareness, self-actualization, individuation, and consciousness mastery.

We are awakening into our personal power and sacred mission—what we came here to be. We are permanently releasing patterns, loops, situations, and fragments of energies that are no longer necessary and “transcending” them.

As human beings, we are on a continuous journey of working toward our highest frequency in order to carry us further. Old ways and identities are being lost under this highly transformative energy, and new answers to old questions are being found.

This time is highly transformational, and feels like a deep purge, helping us give birth to our newest selves.

Don’t be scared if old ideas and ways of being are now losing resonance, and if new behaviours are drawing you in at a soul level. We are always in service to the light, but our specific mission may be evolving to allow more of our soul expression, vastness, and beauty to be revealed.

Experience this time as a new beginning, a sacred revelation of who we are. Emotional releases, intense feelings, strong physical symptoms, and a sense of being confused could all present themselves. If we feel overwhelmed, we can ground ourselves more and allow a pause so that our energy can handle the pressure.

New intuitive gifts could be revealed and open new pathways for our journey. And new doors of expansion for our work could be felt.

Allow this energy to work on you and your soul, for it is but a sacred rebirth and expansion. The energies are elevating our path to its next octave.

So, dear ones, what do we do with all of this? Here are a few tips to work with this energy:

>> This moment is a rare opportunity to allow ourselves to shed old layers, old aspects of our self. New beginnings are possible on all levels: love, relationships, purpose, prosperity, family. We may feel redirected and truly transformed in certain areas of our life. Don’t be scared. Your pace is perfect. Your rhythm is divine. You will get there.

>> Practise grounding, self-care, and resting as much as needed. In fact, these energies can be intense on the body, and our beings need time to acclimate to the light they are receiving. Allow yourself alone time, and plenty of self-care practises, like walks in nature, journalling, respecting your daily rhythms, enforcing boundaries with people and situations that feel overwhelming, allowing yourself to try new things, and following your intuition unapolegetically.

>> Old situations may be falling away—allow it. Trust that what is being removed is for your highest good, and that what is being offered now is also putting you on the right track.

>> Practise quieting the mind as much as possible. Your mind may not be fully capable at this stage and under such energies to comprehend what is coming. Your life may be headed in a brand new direction, while your mind can only refer to what it knows, which is the past. It can’t truly grasp what is to come, so any repetitive thinking right now is most likely fear-based. Allow your mind to gently focus on the present.

Remember, these energies are fully supporting you. May this time be of great benefit.


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author: Sophie Gregoire

Image: Matheus Bertelli/Pexels

Editor: Nicole Cameron