March 13, 2025

2 Questions we Need to Ask Ourselves if we Want to Live a Happier Life.

We often search for happiness in the most unexpected places.

A new country, relationship, or spiritual experience might boost our feel-good hormones and push us to believe that we must try hard to find everlasting happiness.

But it’s also true that we can attain happiness easily. We don’t always need plane tickets or big emotions to feel relaxed and satisfied. Oftentimes, happiness disguises itself, making it hard for us to obtain it.

So while we’re busy chasing new methods that might make us happier, we’re missing out on the small things that can bring calm into our lives.

I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness recently and how it’s my responsibility to keep it steady. I’ve realized that there’s a clear correlation between my personal choices and happiness, but I’ve been too afraid of the judgment of others.

It’s been a while that I’ve been asking myself two simple questions that have the power to instantly change the course of my day:

1. Do I really want to do this?

2. Why do I want to do this?

The truth is I haven’t been in touch with myself because of my many automated responses. I do things that either don’t align with me or might make me suffer. I say yes when I should say no and say no when I should say yes. I don’t even know why I do what I do.

However, when I ask myself if I really, really want to do something, I instantly reconnect with myself and infinite intuition. I pause, breathe, and think about my needs first. My happiness levels significantly increase when I listen to my inner voice and figure out what’s important to me.

The why has also changed how I feel about things. Sadly, most of us have no clue why we do certain things. We assume it’s the right thing without questioning if it’s the right thing for us. Self-reflection is hard but necessary. It helps us to know what we need to prioritize and what we need to ditch.

So if you want to be happy—really happy—start asking yourself those questions. It’s amazing how a simple yes or no can change the way we see things. When we’re in “zombie mode,” we navigate life blindly and think that’s how life should be. But life shouldn’t be miserable or disappointing at all times. There are many opportunities we can take advantage of that can make us feel whole and joyful again.


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Brady Knoll/Pexels