November 17, 2010

Patagonia CEO Casey Sheahan “comes clean.” ~ Alex Bogusky

Alex Bogusky welcomes Patagonia CEO Casey Sheahan and his lovely wife Tara to the FearLess Cottage. We learn how Patagonia goes about their mission to “build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, and to use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.”

It’s fascinating how social responsibility and radical transparency (see The Footprint Chronicles) have become key parts of Patagonia’s business success. Their consumers are engaged with the brand, and corporations like Walmart are following their lead.

(Please excuse the audio in the first two minutes; it gets better!)

Head to the FearLess Cottage for more on the fruitful intersection of being mindful/changing the world and being a consumer of goods and services. ~ Ed.

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