July 22, 2015

WikiLeaks: “Today’s publication indicates that the NSA has been used to help the CIA…”

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WikiLeaks has published new evidence that confirms what we already suspected.

From DW news: “Today’s publication indicates that the NSA has been used to help the CIA kidnap and torture with impunity. For years the CIA was systematically abducting and torturing people, with the tacit complicity of European governments,” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said in a statement.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier was one 20 phone numbers targeted by the NSA for monitoring. In an intercepted phone conversation from November 29, 2005, made public by WikiLeaks, Steinmeier is discussing the CIA’s extraordinary rendition program, of which he had denied knowledge in 2005.

DW news reports, “It was alleged that the US had used the airspace and airport facilities of cooperating European countries to illegally abduct European citizens and residents in order to interrogate them at secret “black site” prisons.”

From WikiLeaks: “According to the intercept, Steinmeier “seemed relieved that he had not received any definitive response from the U.S. Secretary of State regarding press reports of CIA flights through Germany to secret prisons in eastern Europe allegedly used for interrogating terrorism suspects.”

We have been hearing about these alleged illegal activities, use of torture, and abductions for a while now, but, in typical WikiLeaks fashion, carefully-guarded evidence has finally made its way into the hands of the public.

What that public decides to do with it? That remains to be seen.

Read the full report from WikiLeaks here.


Relephant Read:

Interview with former Wikileaks spokesperson and Icelandic Parliament Member, Birgitta Jonsdottir.


Author: Toby Israel

Photo: Wikipedia Commons / thierry ehrmann at Flickr

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