November 5, 2015

Sacred Life Before Us. {Poem}

sacred life

Walking along the park and river, baby in stroller, dog on leash, I find myself looking at my phone—again.

I momentarily look up and am awestruck by the fiery colors of the season. Tears spring to my eyes as I realize how many times I use this form of addiction to draw myself away from the present moment.


Well, today I am certain it is because of the memorial at the end of the road for little Brendan. As I head uphill, I know my feet will carry me to the place where his body was found just two weeks ago at the tender age of three.

The case remains unsolved. Only questions remain as our community seeks answers.

He is alive in my heart, asking me to honor the sacredness of my life.

I feel the words begin coalescing—a new poem after a long dry spell. Brendan has gifted me with a thinning veil and his angel wings visible in the clouds.

Sacred Life Before Us.

If I should put down my phone

I might feel red-hot sizzle in my bones

Gazing at autumnal crimson


If I should put down my pinot noir

I might see melancholy behind your eyes

For all the times I neglected to


If I should put down the remote

I might hear you say

How lonesomeness metastisizes


If I should put down my fork

I might truly taste the flavor

Of sacramental union


If I should set aside my sensual novel

I might smell arousal on your flesh


Inner vibration might merge with outer

Divining a perpetual state

Of exuberance


If I should put down the shiny toys of


I may have to contemplate

The very lie

Of my





Holy breath


Heaven and earth



20 Ways to Connect to the Present Moment.


Author: Anita Brown

Apprentice Editor: Brandie Smith/Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: martaposemuckel/pixabay

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