December 19, 2010

The Holiday Season with our FOO (family of origin)

“It is my intention to: Be Authentic and Peaceful with All of My Relatives”
from Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book: The Power of Intention

This is a powerful intention any time of the year, but particularly during the holidays.   In his book, Dr. Dyer writes ‘you get treated the way you teach others to treat you’ and ‘changing your mind is changing your relationships’.

You might think or say – but so and so is very difficult or negative…. you can still choose how you react and by doing so, you are letting others know how you want to be treated – respectfully and with love.

If you have an extreme relationship or situation that is so difficult that you cannot possibly conceive a positive interaction or response – my advice would be – do not spend time with those people.  It’s not a healthy choice for you.  Make a choice that feels right, one that resonates for how you envision a peaceful holiday season.

Dr. Dyer’s blog includes recent postings with other thoughts on this:
Reinventing Your Holidays and Relative Bliss

Make a happy holiday season!
As Wayne writes in his blog, we can choose to have this be the happiest holiday season ever!
Bing and Fred wishing you a happy holiday:

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