March 3, 2016

11 Tips to Jump-Start our Feng & Spring Cleaning.

Jonas Forth/FlickrFeng shui is a lot more accessible than many might think. All it takes is a few simple steps to “improve our feng.”

A lot of people assume feng shui involves buying a bunch of complicated tchotchkes—bamboo flutes, statues and other trinkets that are supposed to balance energy—but this is not the case.

Whether we’re getting ready for spring or planning to move into that new home or apartment, these ideas can improve feng shui throughout our space, from the entryway to the bathroom.

1. Maintain a six-foot clearance.

Everything within six feet of the front door—inside and outside—needs to be clear and clutter-free to help energy flow. Floor mats are okay, but we should avoid putting items like shoe racks and other obstructions immediately around the door.

2. Add plants. 

Plants absorb negative energy, and they can help foster vibrant energy in and around the home.

3. Pick a palette thoughtfully.

Although red is feng shui’s 2016 color of the year, depending on the facing direction of the home and what wall we paint red, it can actually be bad luck. Instead, we should use accent pieces and accessories like blankets, pillows and throw rugs.

4. Add living things. 

Pets are a good thing, because they move energy around in our homes!

5. Consider shape and scale.

Contrary to popular belief, feng shui doesn’t exclusively favor furniture with rounded edges. In fact, a variety of shapes will help achieve a well-balanced room. Furniture should be in scale and proportion to the size of the room. We should avoid oversized furniture in a small place, and vice versa, small furniture in a large space.

6. Shed some light.

We must make sure we have enough light sources to have a good balance of brightness, making dark spaces light.

7. Free up counter space. 

We can stow any appliances we don’t use regularly to open up space and inspire more energy and movement. Editing out extraneous items—even that cacophony of magnets on our fridge—is key to achieving a feng shui house.

8. Purge a drawer.

If we’re feeling overwhelmed by clutter and don’t know where to begin, we can try starting with a “give to charity” pile. Often, all it takes is this first step to give us the momentum we need to declutter our entire home.

9. Consider bed placement.

We should avoid putting our bed against a wall adjacent to the bathroom or the kitchen; doing so is believed to negatively affect health.

10. Avoid large mirrors. 

When a mirror reflects the bed or any part of our body, it can cause insomnia. For renters stuck with wall-to-wall closet-door mirrors, sliding the doors open at night, installing curtains to draw before bed or adding contact paper to cover them up are all good solutions.

11. Conceal electronics.

If there is a TV in the bedroom, we should unplug it and throw a towel over it at night. In addition, we should keep laptops and cellphones off the nightstand so they don’t disturb our circadian rhythm; electronic devices are best stowed in another room while we sleep.

Enjoy your cleaning, and may these tips be of benefit!


Relephant Read:

The Real Feng Shui: 5 Myths Debunked.


Author: Jennifer Bonetto

Editor: Toby Israel

Image: Jonas Forth/Flickr


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