May 9, 2016

A Parting Cadeau—From my Heart to Yours. {Poem}


It has been days that I’m drowning in guilt
Mourning over the end of what we have built
I don’t know why I’m taking the blame
For the passive person that you have become
And although I am heartbroken and grieving
I’m writing you a gift I hope you’d be receiving
As when everything is no longer the same
Words and memories are what remain
I want you to know that no one’s wrong
Throughout the misery, we were both strong
Perchance it is neither me, nor you
It is life that made us split into two
Hold yourself together like I will
Worry not—I love you still
I shall take a sip from my glass of wine
And reminisce the days when you were mine
I will hold my hand and close my eyes
Imagine it’s your own hand in disguise
I will sleep and dream of your beautiful soul
I will be here to mend it if it shall ever fall
My hand believes not that it’s writing
An adieu she has been long fighting
As my fingers tremble and drip blood
They bleed words like an intense flood
My parting cadeau is apparent to see:
I’m setting you free—I’m letting you be
With a dagger in my chest, I’m giving you the chance
To taste the freedom I never wanted you to glance
I just hope one day you’d roam my skies
Without any confusion or questions of whys
And if you ever wished to land on my ground
My heart will be ready for one endless round.


Author: Elyane Youssef

Editor: Caitlin Oriel 

Photo: Flickr/karriiiiii

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