May 30, 2016

Satya: Facing our Truth. {Poem}

meditate going within breathe yoga still quiet peace calm

In Sanskrit, Satya means truth.

Often, we pretend all is fine because our external world reflects that, yet there is this gnawing dissatisfaction within ourselves that is going unaddressed. Facing our truth—the raw, ugly, messy truth—is scary. It often gets worse before it can get better and it’s an uncomfortable process many would prefer to avoid.

Eventually though, our Satya catches up with us.


I go into hiding
When I know facing you
Will ultimately open a can of worms
That can’t be easily closed
Without making a huge mess first.

So you bide your time
Knowing that eventually I will reach
My breaking point
Where I can no longer ignore you.

You visit me in the quiet moments
Whispering familiar thoughts and ideas,
Echoing heart-won realizations.
Showing me the contrast of then versus now.
Am I happy? Who have I become?


Tears of recognition.
Tears of confirmation.
Tears of surrender.

I let you in.
I let you get close.
It’s time for examination.

You show me my pitfalls,
The traps I become ensnared in.
Then you reflect back to me
All that should be treasured and kept safe.

You remind me of my strength,
You show me my power…
Recall my many personal victories and
All the fierce grace it took to become who I am.

Gratitude for all the wisdom gleaned on my journey.

You lead me back to the light…
My light.

May I never snuff it out again.


Author: Kristen Luther

Image: NomiZ25/Deviantart 

Editor: Emily Bartran

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