October 3, 2016

They’re giving you bad advice on what to do about Fear.


Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

If you take one thing away from today’s video, let it be this:

Fear is not bad.

Thank you for watching and participating in today’s video, which might be our most watched ever! Over 500 comments and a lot of group wisdom from everyone sharing their thoughts and strategies for relating with fear.

Fear only becomes a problem, Waylon says, when there is a lack of compassion and empathy for ourselves.

For many more inspiring nuggets of wisdom and community, enjoy the video below:


Resources Waylon Mentioned in Video:

The Cocoon.

Just. Might. Be. The. Best. Summer. Camp. Ever. Shambhala Sun Summer Camp.

Date a Boy who Serves.

Waylon’s book: Things I Would Like to Do with You.

Best Buddhist books for Beginners

Maitri (loving-kindness)

The Taboo of Poo—Preserving the Planet with Human Waste.

Fear becomes Fearlessness ~via Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Basic Goodness is our Human Nature. ~ Chogyam Trungpa

Pema Chodron: How to do Tonglen, a meditation practice for difficult times.


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Editor: Travis May

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