1.6 Editor's Pick
November 5, 2016

Let’s talk about Red Flags & Green Flags in Relationships.


Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:


Some notes from the above. Relationship Red Flags:

1. Can’t blame themselves. Can’t say, “My bad.”

2. Only interested in being right. They want everything to be perfect, but life is not perfect. They have an inability to make fun or have a sense of humor.

3. Negativity.

4. Don’t communicate respectfully. One-sided communication.

5. Inability to forgive themselves and others.

Relationship Green Flags:

  1. Self-deprecation. Take life lightly to be able to laugh at life. Not make fun of but an ability to dissolve tense situations. Undermine own ego.

2. Great communication. Ability to communicate about hard things.

3. Ability to roll with the punches of life’s ups and downs.

4. Willingness to argue about subjects we don’t agree with. Agreeing to disagree respectfully and with love.

5. Be open to criticism. Acceptance of other person.

6. Ask a lot of questions. Be curious.

7. Honesty.

8. Take blame—when we take the blame, the real blame is apparent to all. Then we can move into problem solving.

Everyday Mindful Quotes:

“It’s easy to fall in love, but it’s difficult to stay in love.” ~  Waylon Lewis

“Life is full of mishaps, life is full of suffering.” ~ Waylon Lewis

“I destroy my enemy when I make them my friend.” ~ Mr. Abraham Lincoln

“Let your light shine. When you let your light shine you give others permission to shine their light.” ~ Marianne Williamson


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