November 14, 2016

Finally, John Oliver weighs in on Trump. It’s Funny, it’s Thorough, & at the end he lists how we can Help.

I just talked with a best friend and he said, “Keep an open mind.” Folks think this is normal. No big deal. An open mind sees what is. This is not good in every category of what it means to be American, or a world citizen.

I will be happy to be proven wrong. But we need to work hard to make sure our country’s ideals and reality survive this. This is worth the watch in terms of what we face and how we can help now. ~ ed.

This is not normal. This is not normal.
Pay particular attention to the fake news bit. That’s the stuff that got us here.

John Oliver Nov. 13, 2016 – Post Trump election butthurt from bconn on Vimeo.

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