January 26, 2017

I want a Man who Left his Ego with his Lego. {Poem}

I want a man whose floor is covered in books and untended cups of tea.

A man who picks up trash as he walks along the beach
and isn’t afraid of intimacy.

I want a man with a mind like a sponge—
insatiably curious.

A man who looks strangers in the eyes,
because he knows that everyone he passes leaves an imprint on his soul,
as he does on theirs.

I want a man who isn’t afraid to be alone.

A man who listens to the ocean,
takes note of the thoughts that pass,
and releases them with each crashing wave washing up on the shore.

I want a man who isn’t afraid to feel his pain.

A man who will cry when he is lonely,
and call his mother when he is sad.

I want a man who will face discomfort head on.

A man who will hold me when my anxiety attacks,
make friends with people in the aisles of supermarkets,
and offer his leftovers to the homeless.

I want a man who buys water for the guy who works in the lobby of his building,
and knows the names of his children.

I want a man who runs mile after mile without looking at a stopwatch,
drives with no destination in mind,
and listens to the music of his parents’ generation along the way.

I want a man who collects the shells and rocks that call to him on his ventures into nature.

A man who goes to the movies alone,
and ferments dandelions for wine.

A man who will sit at a coffee shop with his favorite book,
and leave his cell phone at home.

I want a man who counts his blessings, and doesn’t feel guilty for them.

A man who understands the purpose of pain,
and can experience deep joy.

A man who fights for what he believes is right,
even when everyone tells him he is wrong.

I want a man who left his ego with his Lego.

A man who gazes at the old like a painting,
tracing the deep crevices that map their faces
while listening to the experiences that put them there.

A man who listens to the young with gentle ears
and can see the world through their eyes.

I want a man who lives from the depths of his soul,
and loves with every cell of his body.


Image: Evan Clark/ Unsplash

Editor: Khara-Jade Warren

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