March 1, 2017

Dear Sensitive Heart, Remember this when You don’t want to Feel it All.

“She has often felt that her outsides were too dull for her insides, that deep within her there was something better than what everyone else could see.” ~ Myla Goldberg



Courage my dear.

Bravery for the times when you don’t want to show up for life. Employ bravery when you think (and hope so desperately) that you can hide, will, and wish the struggle away and come up on the other side for air with all challenges gone. The challenges aren’t going to vanish. They might soften some, but remember that you’re stronger and more capable than you want to trust in.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? […]” ~ Marianne Williamson

Courage my dear, for this is life. And it takes bravery to feel it and to show up when you want to run.

And don’t let anyone tell you don’t have every right to feel in living this life, because it is your right to feel what you want to feel, how you need to feel it, and when you need to feel.

When the last thing you want to do is crawl out from under the covers and show up, when it’s easier to hide from the world, consider that your sensitive heart is exactly what this world needs.

When fear is driving the bus, remember that you are bigger than your fears, you’re capable and you’re so f*cking brave.

Don’t let anyone dim you’re light, for you matter and your gifts are most important in our crazy, unbalanced world.

In our chaotic society, it’s your passion and your integrity to show up with head and heart in union that makes a difference in the deepest of ways.

Your fiery, tender heart knows what to do.

Trust it, show up fully, speak your truth, show up with integrity. Say what you need to say. Trust your right to speak up for it’s your god-given right to have a voice and walk in truth.

And when you don’t want to feel it all, in it’s intensity and beauty, rest and pause and recognize how far you’ve come from and how much room and vastness you still have to grow into. For there’s always tomorrow, we always have tomorrow to try again.

This life takes guts and courage, for living in a brutally harsh world with a tender heart is no small task. Speak with dignity, walk with integrity, feel everything you need to feel, and never, ever let anyone tell you that you don’t matter.


Author: Caitlin Oriel

Image: lion heart vintage/Flickr

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