March 13, 2017

Intuitive Reading for the Full Moon in Virgo: The Heart will Triumph over the Mind.


Whether Astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


“Sometimes following your heart means losing your mind.” ~ Unknown

On Sunday, March 12th there will be a challenging full moon in Virgo.

This moon will be poised between the rational and the passionate, the logical and the magical—it will be the ultimate battleground for our hearts and our heads.

This is the daily struggle between our wants versus our shoulds, and the life that is ultimately created by our choices.

One of the four metta phrases of Buddhism is may I live with ease—yet for so many of us that is a principle we struggle with. We understand and grasp that attachment is suffering, and it is up to us to free ourselves from the expectations that we often place upon others.

But what of the expectations that we have for ourselves?

How do we free ourselves from torment if we are in fact suffering?

This moon is highlighting that aspect of our hearts, and if we are in fact loving with ease. When we allow ourselves to love in such a way, not only does it flow but our essential life force begins to flow as well. It seems that for far too long we have struggled with this aspect of the self and the ability to integrate it wholly into the preconceived expectations we hold as a society.

The reality is when we deny love, we also deny ourselves.

We cut off a part of our identity and we place it in darkness so that no matter how we see the world or change, no growth occurs. There are aspects of ourselves that we struggle with, usually out of the inability to accept who we are, or the belief that what we feel is somehow wrong.

Tonight’s moon is going to be asking you if you trust your heart enough to actually follow it.

Are you able to tune into your breath and feel your energy in your solar plexus rise and grow, feeling your truth bloom like the wild magnolias on a spring evening?

Our beautiful luna is in Virgo with our sun still in Pisces, and this is the pull that we will be feeling in each of our subconscious, as our hearts and minds square off in the biggest battle of the year. We are right in the middle of a Venus Retrograde, which means that for most of us—whether we want to be or not—we are focusing on our personal romantic relationships.

The veil has been lifted and we are finally seeing things for what they are, rather than how we wish they would be.

Each planet rules certain aspects of our bodies and our emotional realms, which is why when they combine at certain times we feel different. Many of us can’t specifically say why we feel that way but only that something is amiss, and when we have observed the cycles of the moon and planets, then we might be able to identify the energy or emotional feelings that tend to go along with particular alignments.

This moon is deep.

There is so much love to be had with this moon, but it seems that intuitively it feels like many of us have made choices to push that love away—to choose to not believe in what we feel. Yet the reality is that none of us are satisfied by those choices because they aren’t true for us.

The stars can’t make any of us do anything—regardless of how they influence or affect us—in the end, it comes down to our own will.

And so I ask you, have you been loving with ease?

Have you been letting love grow where it wants? Have you been nurturing it and letting it bloom as radiant as the sun?

Or have you covered it, neglected it, tried to pretend it wasn’t there?

For those of you who have been struggling with this aspect of love for some time, the only truth to be had is that in order to practice this simple metta phrase is to open and allow. We have to make the conscious choice to remove anything that blocks us from feeling what is naturally occurring and which will also be a point of suffering for us.

When we try to think that it’s our ability to control our feelings, then we also decide to battle ourselves, which is one fight that in the end only causes the destruction of our authentic identity.

Tonight, this moon will loom large on our hearts.

It will feel big and emotional. It might bring up feelings from seemingly nowhere, or it might bring us to our knees with a truth that had been kept hidden for far too long.

The most important aspect to remember at this time is that we can think with our minds—but we have to feel with our hearts.

There is no rationality in love.

There is no sense to be made of feelings that aren’t based in the mind. But in order to truly grasp ahold of the power to feel and not think, we have to also make the choice to love with ease.

We have to love gently, not just others, but ourselves, because if we haven’t yet mastered that feat then there isn’t any way we can do that for another.

“We can only meet another as deeply as we have first met ourselves.” ~ C.S. Lewis

In order to let that love flow toward others, we have to extend to ourselves and accept ourselves for who we are. We have to be gentle with our hearts—instead of battling them, we need to make peace with them.

If we let it be so tonight, this is a time not for war—but for a treaty.

It’s a time to stop the battle of being able to think our feelings, and instead open our hearts, give of ourselves, close our eyes, and make the choice to love with ease.


Author: Kate Rose
Image: Katia Romanova/Flickr
Editor: Molly Murphy

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