February 11, 2011

Contest Over.

Click here for readers with their stickers, tees and totes. If you have some mindful eco elephant schwag, email us a photo and we’ll add it in.

An urgent appeal:

With only 24 hours left in Shorty Award (“Twitter’s Oscars”) voting, we have an easily surmountable, slim lead to win #1 in the US for #green content on twitter. Our competition is someone wonderful, doing wonderful work, but they’re getting votes (which is perfectly fine and legal, and brilliantly effective) by incentivizing people to vote for them by matching donations to their wonderful cause to the number of votes they get.

elephant hasn’t had that huge advantage. All we do is share the best, or one of the best, green twitstreams in the US (we like @derekmarkham, @treehugger, @grist…). All we do is tweet, and write, and read, and talk, and listen, and research “the mindful life,” year-round. All we do is have wonderful writers, and tweet about their new articles on a vast array of mindful subjects: food, organics, adventure, bicycling, bodycare, family, meditation (mindfulness regarding our impact on our planet upon which we depend begins in, well, our mind)…

….all we have is you.

So, while we can’t offer to raise a dollar amount if you vote for us like our worthy co-opetition, we can offer to mail anyone who’s voted for us or who will vote for us by end of day February 11 a free elephant sticker. They have no value, we give them away anyways, but they’re fun to stick on your bumper or bicycle or water bottle or what-have-you.

Option 1:

If you’d like one, and you’ve already voted, email or post to your FB Wall or tweet and ask your friends to tweet:

I nominate @elephantjournal for a Shorty Award in #green because [and then they have to SAY WHY for it to count, they can say anything they like]

Option 2:

If you’d like a free sticker mailed to you, free, and you haven’t voted yet, you can nominate us yourself:

I nominate @elephantjournal for a Shorty Award in #green because [and then say WHY for it to count, say whatev you’d like!]

*Only caveat: we’ll only send stickers out if we win. We’ve been ahead for weeks, so we’ve got a good chance—and if you vote and/or spread the word, we’ll continue to stay on top through the last 24 hours.

Once you’ve done it, all you have to do is email us with “free sticker” in the subject bar, say you’ve done either of the above, and give us your name and address and what color sticker you’d like. We’ll have a little mailing party and send you the sticker (and your name and address will not go on any list).

If you would like to subscribe, free, to our weekly e-newsletter, please do so whenever you like.

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 915,920