January 13, 2018

Facebook disappears Elephant (and everyone else). Here’s why we’ll survive & thrive (hint: You).

Facebook just announced they’re gonna hide news, including Elephant.

Why will Elephant survive the Facebook culling? The very reason we’re vulnerable, in the past. We’re independent. Our voice can remain genuine. Our mission can remain earnest. Our 5 million readers and 10,000s of subscribers will remain—our task will be to help them find a way to find us. We need an app. Our Ecosystem (internal social media that pays writers) begins to go live next week. This will be the ride of a lifetime—wish us godspeed!

If you’d like to keep our mindful genuineness in your life, open this newsletter when you see it. Bookmark our web site. Save it like an app on your phone’s home page, and read our Latest or Today Only or Classic or Popular or watch our videos to start your morning off with intention and inspiration.

We’re independent, mission-driven media. We won’t be here unless you take action, since Mr. Zuckerberg is killing the golden goose that has been finding quality news and articles on Facebook.

Why do I think we’ll survive, and thrive? Because, as Seane Corn once told me, since we’re mission-driven, our love for this path is unconditional. That means we’re in it, for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. We were a print magazine once, and I took us online. That was rough, but fun, and we did it. And now new media is going through another earthquake. But we’ll be here for you because, as Seane reminded me, if I woke up in the morning and had lost everything, I’d just get back at it, and so would she. That’s what right livelihood is all about, and we teach folks (like you, if interested) how to find it in our Elephant Academy.

Elephant is meant to be a human-centered—not profit-centered—platform for real dialogue, listening and community. We won’t always get things right, but we’ll always remain open, alive, caring, real, and we’ll learn and listen. If you care about us, and want to read unlimited Elephant, subscribe—your $2/month will go to pay our editors so they can buy groceries and pay the rent/mortgage and take care of their children—you know, good ol’fashioned middle class jobs. And your subscription will go to pay our best, consistent writers to do good work for you.

If you love us, show up—we need you, and like any real relationship, it’s a two-way street. Hopefully we’ve been there for you in the past, and can be there for you in your future.

Yours in the Vision of Enlightened Society,

Waylon H. Lewis

PS: here’s a video where I talked with you all directly about this, this morning. “Facebook just announced they are going to stop showing you most quality journalism, which would hide Elephant from you. Here’s what you can do if you want to keep our mindful inspiration in your life.”

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