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Love me like a dog.

0 Heart it! Dana Barczewski 16
January 26, 2018
Dana Barczewski
0 Heart it! 16

Love Me Like a Dog


Love me like a dog,

The way a dog hears the crackling as my tires meet the pavement.

Lunging at the doorknob while it turns, overwhelmed with excitement.

His anticipation erupts with pure gratitude of my presence,

No sequence of arguments or miscommunication, just content with my existence.


The type of love that exists free of insecurities, fears and discouragements,

Running ramped, slaughtering the core that ties each soul as a replacement.

The anxiousness of your waiter in possession of your favorite meal,

Starving, restless, as your mouth waters and your body begins to squeal.

The eagerness of that first bite, time as stopped

But why with people, are those moments cropped?


I want true love, the kind that leads with a spark,

Like fireworks before the grand finale, piercing through the dark.

Building upon each other, creating nothing but beauty

Allowing room for imagination and growth, that’s love’s duty.

Facing the unpredictable, seeing hardships as possibilities,

This concept slips away, held ransom by life’s hostilities.


I want the kind of love that transforms a weak flame, into an untamable forest fire,

Tearing to shreds everything in its way, life’s stress being the main supplier.

Ripping and demolishing this wild natural force, surpassing human power

Stronger than all who try to stop it, an untouchable love no one can devour.


I want the kind of love that drifts away with the current of the open seas,

Without fear of getting lost, but trusting the tides with proper ease.

The unknown becomes captivating allowing time and distance to pass,

Infatuated with each other, no agenda or pain to surpass.


The fear of being vulnerable and intimate can be quite paralyzing

But the experience of true love as pure is solely hypnotizing,

I want the love that transforms like the caterpillar who was once restricted,

Hiding in her cocoon, bound by fear hardly existed.

She becomes this beautiful creature, released to freedom,

Obsessing over previous convictions, just to find no reason.


Love me like a dog,

the kind that doesn’t bruise or tarnish by irrelevant matters,

that is swallowed whole annihilating excess clutter and life’s chatters.

I want the innocent childlike love an infant has for his favorite toy,

The comfort a baby gets from sucking his thumb as he grows into a little boy.


I find myself dehydrated by the constant conditions and outside influences,

Quench my thirst with the purity of love, despite our minor differences.



People ask, what is love? I think it’s unexplainable, a spiritual principle between two,

May not be tangible but it hides beneath the surface, a familiar feeling to only you.


Love me like a dog,

Who doesn’t allow decisions, actions or words to shatter this masterpiece to ashes

The love you experienced before life struck lightening, creating constant clashes.

The love of a dog, who has no conception of excuses or expectations,

Who applauds my mistakes for I am me because of those situations.


Love me like a dog,

Never concerned by the malice of human nature, but sees the beauty in imperfection

Only yearning to love me more as I grow through my process of self-reflection.

I want to be loved whole heartedly, not burdened by unrelated troubles

My love is meant to be cherished, not hurdled with incessant stumbles.


Love me like a dog,

Who’s intentions bleed nothing but love and passion

Refusing to rest, I strive for more than satisfaction.

I want to be a buffet, bursting with only your favorite foods,

your taste buds go insane, euphoria controlling your moods.

No flaws to deter your focus, no dishes to stray away from,

This is an assortment of excellence, down to the very last crumb.

Love me like a dog,

Who cares only for your company, not fooled by words with no active intention,

Surfing the waves of endless false promises and tension.




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0 Heart it! Dana Barczewski 16
0 Heart it! 16

Dana Barczewski Jan 26, 2018 5:52pm


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