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Storm Warrior.

0 Heart it! Anne Michelle Myrick-Olsen 477
January 27, 2018
Anne Michelle Myrick-Olsen
0 Heart it! 477

Have you ever gone through a rough time and thought, “If I can just get to the other side of this thing, then I will be just fine”?

Of course you have. We all have. Life is tough, but you know what? The human spirit is tougher.

We are all survivors in our own right. Everyone has been through something. If not personally, then you’ve been through it with a family member or a friend.

Struggles, their consequences, and the fight for survival has touched us all. We have all felt hopeless and scared at some point in our lives.

I was thrilled to see this figure show up on the canvas and had to work very hard to keep her there while I built the rest of the piece.

As I continue on this artist journey, I am learning to just let “IT” be more and more. I believe that the “IT” is my soul trying to be voiced. My job as an artist is to uncover the story that is trying to be spoken.

When a figure shows up in my work, I know they have come to tell a story. That’s when I need to get out of the way (a.k.a. shut off my logical mind) and paint from an intuitive place.

“Storm Warrior” is a special piece. It represents every woman that has been at her wit’s end as she is working her way through the storm.

The piece shows that she’s heading toward the other side of things. She’s getting through it. There is light. There is hope.

We are all Storm Warriors in our own right because we are still here!

We are survivors!

Stand proud in the light of YOUR tomorrow as you walk towards the light.

To see more of my work and to read the thoughts that inform the pieces, visit

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0 Heart it! Anne Michelle Myrick-Olsen 477
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