March 5, 2011

Christian Meditation~ March 5th.

Contemplative Prayer is a process of “un-learning.” It is the restoration of sanity. It is giving our will to God or returning that damn apple!

“To consider persons and events and situations only in the light of their effect upon myself is to live on the doorstep of hell. Selfishness is doomed to frustration centered as it is on a lie. To live exclusively for myself, I must make all things bend themselves to my will as if I were God. But this is not possible…

My freedom is not fully free when left to itself. It becomes so when it is brought into the right relation with the freedom of another… Our will is strengthened in obedience to the demands of objective reality.” ~ from No Man Is An Island by Thomas Merton

“Now it is time to listen… Really listen.

Put aside questions and answers. Just watch. What is happening, whats actually going on. Listen. Allow reality to speak for itself… When we listen, we allow thought to be a spontaneous expression of objective reality. We no longer need a watcher, someone to choose, because their is no longer a choice to be made. Things are just as they are. This is clarity. This is true freedom- freedom from choice!” ~from The Web Of Enlightenment Ben Riggs personal meditation & spirituality Blog

Fr. Thomas Keating, founder of Contemplative Outreach, explains the method of Centering Prayer.

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