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What Is The Unique Significance of 11:11 for YOU?

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February 16, 2018
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What does 11:11 Mean?
Are you seeing 11:11’s or other recurring numbers?
Do you often look at the clock when it’s 11:11…
Or find yourself on the 11th floor at 11:11 a.m., knocking on the door to room 111, and wondering what it means?
The complete answer is here.

Hello, I’m Lola Jones, international best-selling metaphysical author and teacher. My work, Divine Openings, has changed lives in 140+ countries as people spread the word to their friends and family members about how Divine Openings transformed their lives.

But recently, hundreds of thousands more are finding us as they search for 11:11 information. They want to know why are they seeing 11:11 so often, and what does it mean?

More important: what do you do with it? How can it help you, especially in these uncertain times, when so many are mired in fear, lack, limitation, and struggle and seeking answers?

You’ve arrived here on purpose. Welcome!

In my typical fashion, I’ll get right to the point: 11:11 brought you here to transform your life, not to seek endlessly. The answers are HERE.

So slow down, stop everything. Surfing the net speeds us up and can get us in a grasping state. Take a big deep breath, sit up tall, and clear your mind of all other thoughts…. so you can hear and feel what could very well be the most important message of your life.

This is big. You’ll remember this day as a turning point…

Here’s the simple truth:
11:11’s are one of the many clues and devices you planted for yourself
to activate your memory of who you are so you could wake up from the bad dream of fear and lack, and become the Larger Being that you really are.
Before you came to this life, you knew becoming human would cloud your perception and fog your vision.

You knew that the world might mire you in fear, doubt, and limitation… and that you might succumb to those low vibrations, and feel powerless or lost…

You knew there’d be distractions, dead ends, delusions and illusions.

But you, wise one, weren’t worried.

You pre-planned ways to wake yourself up again.

A Larger aspect of YOU, a timeless future self, planted a recognition of 11:11 INSIDE YOU for when you are ready to wake up.

11:11 illuminates the miracle of synchronicity. It’s as if to say, “If numbers can show up for me like that, how else might the universe orchestrate things for me?” It’s just a taste of the synchronicities in store for you… once you learn how to really get in the flow of Life that already exists, waiting for you to find it again.

11:11s hint at the invisible world you aren’t seeing… they point you toward the alternate realities that are possible for you.

But 11:11 isn’t the highway, it’s just a signpost that says, “Here’s the entrance ramp.”

Once you’re on the highway, flying along in the fast lane with the wind in your hair, 11:11’s job is done. Stay on the highway!

Once you’re living beyond fear, lack, and limitation, once you’re living a more joyful, peaceful, prosperous, secure, expansive, love-filled life, you won’t need 11:11’s “enter here” sign anymore. If you see 11:11’s after that, you smile a knowing smile and say, “hello, old friend!”

You won’t need ANY more recurring numbers. I know, some people say you need to know the meaning of each recurring number or ask your angels about them. You don’t need to study numerology–that’s a dead end dirt road, one of many distractions out there.

The larger truth is simple:

You’re here to learn how to get your own clear guidance.

11:11 sightings are an invitation to step through the portal into a powerful new reality. In that new reality, more specific guidance is waiting just for you. It’s clear–not hidden in any mysterious numbers.

11:11 is a “starter message” of “come this way.” Then your world changes and you don’t need any more numbers, readings, angels, etc. If you’ve tried all those other paths, how did that work out? Be honest with yourself–you’re still seeking or you wouldn’t be here. This is your life hanging in the balance.

So many people who were desperately seeking answers for decades find us here, and the seeking stopped here. Their lives change forever and keep unfolding beautifully–without hard work and processing.

11:11 was how they found Divine Openings. Once here, we helped them discover what was already inside, waiting to be tapped…. the inner and outer happiness and life fulfillment that was always right here waiting for them.

11:11’s invite you to join the party. First you must leave the old reality of desperate, scattered seeking, with all its confusion, contradictory information, and endless searching for more and more mental answers.

Please don’t give your power away to numerology or any complicated esoteric system. Please don’t try to figure it all out intellectually–what you seek is beyond the capacity of the limited mind, but it is easily and clearly available to you.

If a path is complicated, mathematical, mental, hard, or requires lots of processing and work, it will never get you there. People spend lifetimes lifetimes trying to get out of fear and suffering that way, and never get out.

Awakening is not complicated.

It’s very simple. And it’s here for you right now.

More on what 11:11 incidents are or do:

11:11’s and other signs show you there are enormous, friendly, Non-Physical forces waiting to help you–most importantly: your own Expanded Larger Self!
11:11s usually begin in the early stages of your spiritual path, to wake you up to get on your higher path (you don’t have to call it “spiritual”, you might call it “expanded consciousness.”)

11:11’s invite you to notice and get in sync with the Divine matrix that orchestrates everything effortlessly… to know that life is never random.
They alert you that dormant circuits within you are ready to be reactivated. Divine Openings™ does this. And it’s pretty effortless. Divine Openings works whether people have 11:11 sightings or not.
11:11s are invitations to get in the flow of life, the flow of ease, instead of working on yourself, seeking, struggling with the economy, family, work, health, or other worries. In the flow of Grace, you are carried.
11:11’s link you with soul family to support each other and enjoy life–like the community on this site. But… if you associate with seekers who aren’t “finding it,” who are just asking questions and wandering in the dark, that doesn’t help you–it can actually hold you back.

11:11’s get you seeking awakening. Divine Openings™ actually works.
11:11’s and other signs expand your mind just a bit so you can eventually wrap your head around the much more miraculous things to come with Divine Openings.

11:11 led you here!

Some paths take lifetimes. Fortunately Divine Openings doesn’t–you can begin to have dramatically expanded consciousness, insights, guidance, revelations, and miraculous experiences within weeks or months. Total beginners actually progress faster, because their heads are NOT already filled with metaphysical cliches, misinformation, and confused mixes of other paths. If your an addictive seeker, just drop all that for a year and see what happens with Divine Openings.

Choose your path deliberately. Your choices determine your trajectory and progress in this life. It can be clear, rapid and joyful–or vague, endless and frustrating. Which do you choose?

The meaning of 11:11 changes for you as you evolve from early awakening to a deeper knowing of yourself, and on into enlightenment. 11:11’s often cease as direct knowing, wisdom, and other gifts and abilities appear.

The early message of 11:11 is something like this: Notice how miraculously orchestrated Life is!  If Life can orchestrate this little recurring number just for you, imagine how it can orchestrate your entire life, once you know how to get in that flow that orchestrates everything.”

What about numerology? We advise you to studiously avoid any system or path that asks you to give your power away to numerology, astrology, complicated esoteric processes, aliens, or any force or power outside yourself–even angels.

Sure, 11:11 is a number, but numerology is a complete distraction that will never help you own your power. Even angels should point you to the power in you, not require that you consult them regularly. The point is always to discover and rely upon your deepest self–where all the answers are.

The answers 11:11 calls you toward are inside of you, and have been there all along, waiting for your awakening. Once you’re tapped in to your own guidance–life and daily choices get crystal clear. The messages are not hidden or encoded. 11:11’s are the invitation, Divine Openings gets you to the actual party.

Divine Openings gives you a clear and simple guide to tapping in, not just some vague clues or mysterious signs.

Things Are Going Great In My Absence guides you step by step on the journey 11:11 is calling you to. There are profound gifts waiting for you, far beyond the 11:11, and with this book you don’t have to trudge through years of seeking and trying to figure out vague clues and signs. Begin the journey of a lifetime right now.

When you accept the invitation of 11:11, you can quite quickly catapult out of any suffering, struggle, and tiresomely-endless seeking of the chaotic old paradigm, and soar into the light of the Aquarian Age with ease and Grace. As awakening opens up your perception, you see, feel, and know more of what is real. You begin to experience ease and flow, things showing up when you need them, being at One with your deepest, most joyful, Large Self.

You can’t do it with your limited mind, so step by step, Divine Openings™ takes you experientially through the portal, and onto the joy-filled path. Divine Openings it works on your whole life, without perpetually processing and working on yourself, and without complicated metaphysics.

Life just works better, because it is designed to work for you once you know how to get out of the way and go with the flow. The 11:11 is there to get your attention and lead you to the power within YOU. Say yes, and begin!

Seekers can get stuck in seeking, or mistake the signs (the messengers) for the message. It’s all too easy to make a sign mean something it doesn’t. Seeing 11:11 on a date with a new person does not mean “they’re the one.” Seeing $11.11 when looking at stocks doesn’t mean you should invest. So how do you know?

Divine Openings shows you precisely how to tune up your built-in Instrument Panel (which you may have lost touch with as a child) and learn how to read and interpret signs, but more importantly, your inner guidance, accurately. You already have this innate capacity, but have been trained out of it by society, have lost it, or forgotten it.

The “glamour” of magical signs can distract you from the more important destinations the signs point you to: to tap into your greater self, awaken, open up your heart, and get your life on a path of joyful evolution (not endless working on yourself. Once you learn to accurately read your Instrument Panel, you can experience “direct knowing from within,” even when others are confused or struggling with the economy, health, relationships, or other challenges.

A person vibrating high will interpret most signs with a positive slant, but people who are vibrating in fear patterns might interpret 11:11 as something ominous, because that matches their own vibration of fear. That’s the problem with human interpretations, they’re always filtered through our beliefs and habits of thinking. Anyone in a fear pattern will naturally find their thoughts turning to bad news or more reasons to be in fear–that’s Law Of Attraction. When you’re vibrating high, above confusion and fear, you’ll enjoy your signs and use them productively, or just wink back at God and laugh.

We were laughing just as I finished this article, because it was 11:11. Since Divine Openings opened me up, I do music, art and almost every kind of creative endeavor you can imagine as part of my work. The song my producer in another city was editing came out to 11 minutes, and he finished his task at 11:11 too. He’s a spiritual newcomer who just left an old paradigm religion, and he’s waking up to direct contact with Source.

Because I’ve been “home with lights on” for some time now, and I just don’t have the big questions or problems anymore, signs for me are pure amusement, little winks from God.

I have such a humorous relationship with my Large Self, or Expanded Self, that it does all kinds of other odd and miraculous things all the time just to amuse me. I think about or mention something I need, and it shows up instantly, or within a day or two. One of my favorite old white hens had hardly any feathers, and then was fully feathered and beautiful again the next day. My computer breaks, then fixes itself. The Presence causes things to disappear and then reappear. I mention a place and then three other people mention the same place within hours.

That’s synchronicity–being in the flow of life. 11:11 is an invitation to learn how to dive in and relax into that flow. There’s no mystery in it after Divine Openings. You know.

You are where you are, so begin here where you are, and enjoy the amazing ride this life can be.

Answer the call of 11:11 NOW!

Love from Lola Jones.

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