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Low Dose Nuclear Radiation – Spark of Life – Foundation of Health.

1 Heart it! Ian Faulkner 288
February 17, 2018
Ian Faulkner
1 Heart it! 288

Low Dose Nuclear Radiation – Spark of Life – Foundation of Health

Part One and Part Two of Two Part Series.

This is article one of a set of two articles about low dose nuclear radiation, how it is actually perfectly safe and the revolutionary applications of the discovery to reduce suffering. By low dose radiation we mean the amount of radiation emitted by the earth due to naturally occurring radioactive rocks which all living things have been exposed to for millions of years. We are not referring to the dangerous levels of radiation such as those occurring in nuclear reactors or the heavy radiation used to “treat” cancer.

The difference between low dose and high dose is similar using a wood stove. If you put your hands inside the stove you will get serious burns. But you can warm your hands in front of the stove and its beneficial. The science exists to show that low dose nuclear radiation is essential to all life on earth. It has healing properties that have been used by humans for millennia!

My Experiences with Low Dose Radiation

When I was 10 years old in 1959 I lived in Sault Ste Marie in Northern Ontario Canada. My Dad was a United Church Minister and, in the congregation, 1 in 8 men owned a “geiger counter” to measure nuclear radiation. They expected to get rich as a uranium prospector. None ever did.

I used to go out with my boyhood friend, John McWilliams, borrowing his Dad’s nuclear radiation detecting geiger counter, prospecting for uranium ore near his cottage in the summer. I ended up with a collection of radioactive uranium ore rocks which I kept under my pillow to scare away bad dreams. It was fun to hear the ticking of the counter from my rocks! John or I used to hide the rocks around the house and the other would see how quickly he could find them with the geiger counter. It was so much fun!

In 1960 the Cold War Propaganda struck Sault Ste Marie. Everyone started building “fall out shelters”. My Dad bought a new house. He did not believe in negative thinking, so I helped him dismantle the fallout shelter that came with the house. He kept his wood supply in there after selling the refrigerator, bed, water barrels and shelves for food.

One day in 1961 I came home to find my radioactive rock collection had been confiscated by my Dad. He explained that the rocks were very dangerous and sent me to the family doctor for a lecture on the dangers of radiation. Medical doctors were the unwitting propaganda educators at that time. The Doc told me I might suffer for the rest of my life from the health effects of my rock collection! He told me to never again collect radioactive things. Over the years a feeling of doom came over me when I thought of my childhood hobby. Eventually I forgot about it because I rarely ever got sick from anything for 40 years. I phoned my friend John from time to time and he was healthy too. Eventually I quit worrying about my childhood hobby of collecting uranium bearing rocks. I started to research whether or not there really was a danger from low dose radiation. This article outlines what I found.

The “Father of Radiation Hormesis” Dr. T. Don Luckey

Don Luckey, as he liked to be called wrote the book “Radiation Hormesis” in 1981. Hormesis is a term that refers to positive effects of toxins at a level of about one ten-thousandth of their toxic levels. This is not to be confused with Homeopathy which claims positive effects at one millionth of the toxic dose. Don researched chemical hormesis starting in the mid 1950s. He found the beneficial effects at low dose was universally true of every poison he studied. By the 1970s he started to research whether or not radiation was also beneficial at low concentrations. He researched every low dose radiation study with living things from 1880 to 1980 that was done worldwide. 100 years of studies showed no danger whatsoever and that 40% of the studies showed beneficial effects from low dose nuclear and x-ray radiation! Cold War propaganda had kept all scientists away from this discovery.

Here is a radio discussion of hormesis by Bob McDonald from the CBC show “Quirks and Quarks” which clearly outlines the meaning of hormesis.

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I was honoured to be friends with Don by email during the last few years of his life from the age of 92 to 94. When he published his famous book “Radiation Hormesis” he told me that the University of Missouri staff were so shocked at the results of his book that they challenged the scientific validity of his work. He challenged them back by saying that he would quit as a professor if someone were to discover studies that showed a danger. Not one professor was able to challenge his work and he became world famous outside North America showing that low dose radiation was beneficial. He was Knighted as a Samurai by the Japanese scientific community. Here is Don’s personal outline of his life and research. Its an amazing story of a great pioneer of science in North America.

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Why Do We Fear Low Dose Nuclear Radiation?

We fear low dose radiation because of “cognitive dissonance” at a cultural level. Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling about factual information because our beliefs are closing our eyes to the facts because the facts are disturbing! If you find this article a challenge to believe, just keep reading and keep an open mind. The science is there to support this viewpoint!


Don Luckey had trouble getting other scientists to look at the actual research on low dose nuclear radiation because North Americans were trained to “know” that low level radiation is harmful through Cold War propaganda. Everyone still “knows” that low dose radiation is harmful. They fear diagnostic X-rays to the extent that most Chiropractors no longer rely on X-rays because of this fear. This is unfortunate because X-rays allow their work to be more accurate.

We all fear low dose radiation because during the Cold War, a famous scientist Dr. Herman Muller actually lied about the harmlessness of low dose radiation when he won the Nobel Prize in 1946. He did this because the “Ban the (Atomic) Bomb” activists convinced him to lie about the effects of low dose radiation when he gave his Nobel Prize acceptance speech. He said in his Nobel acceptance speech that radiation is dangerous down to the tiniest measurable levels. Evidence that he had just received weeks earlier showed no danger at all!

Muller’s own colleague Dr. Caspari had just completed experiments with low dose nuclear radiation showing that low level nuclear radiation actually protected against DNA errors, protecting organisms from genetic damage! The following quote is by Rod Adams of “Atomic Insights” online magazine. I have modified a few words to make the document less technical but the meaning is unchanged. You can read the original through the link below in “Atomic Insights” online magazine.

“Caspari’s experiments used a population of 50,000 fruit flies. His results showed that below a certain dose and dose rate, irradiated flies had no more mutations than the control population. Below an even lower level, the irradiated flies had fewer mutations than the control group which received no radiation at all beyond standard background radiation. Caspari sent Muller a paper documenting his results and explaining how they supported a threshold dose below which is completely safe, if not beneficial. This letter was sent about five weeks before Muller delivered his Nobel Prize lecture in 1946.

Caspari’s results did not get lost in the mail. Muller acknowledge the results within a week. His response indicates that he recognized their implication.”

The belief in the dangers of low dose radiation are part of the Cold War Propaganda that was revealed in 2013 by Edward Calabrese, a toxicologist at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He was the scientific detective who researched the historical papers of Dr. Herman Muller and discovered the deception by the Nobel Prize winner. When a Nobel Laureate like Dr. Herman Muller lies, textbooks get written and the lie becomes “Reality”. For those who want to read the history it’s an amazing story of intrigue and deception written by Rod Adams, a nuclear researcher from “Atomic Insights” online magazine.

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We now know why low dose ionizing radiation can protect against DNA damage because it stimulates the “DNA repair mechanism” which carries out 10,000 to 100,000 DNA repairs per hour. The low dose radiation might cause 300 DNA errors in a year while doubling the DNA repair rate. 300 DNA errors is totally insignificant compared to the enormous rate of DNA repairs occurring hourly. This extreme DNA damage that we all experience daily is caused mainly by the extremely aggressive digestive chemistry occurring in our bodies. The Nobel prize in biology was won in 2015 for the discovery of the DNA repair mechanism. Cancer is now recognized as a DNA repair mechanism deficiency by many health researchers.

Further reading of DNA Repair Mechanism Nobel Prize of 2015: ( )

This Nobel Prize helps explain why low dose radiation cannot damage DNA. DNA is not a static thing that even can be damaged easily. DNA is under constant repair because the aggressive chemistry of our digestive system is causing thousands of DNA errors every hour of our life!

Part Two of this article will discuss how low dose natural radiation has been used as a therapy for 10,000 years through healing hot springs. Then it discusses how we can improve the world with this knowledge.


*********************** Part Two Below ****************

Low Dose Nuclear Radiation – Spark of Life – Foundation of Health

Part Two of Two Part Series.

This is article two of a set of two articles about low dose nuclear radiation, how it is actually perfectly safe and the revolutionary applications of the discovery to reduce suffering. Please read article one if you have not yet done so here.:

By low dose radiation we mean the amount of radiation emitted by the earth due to naturally occurring radioactive rocks which all living things have been exposed to for millions of years. We are not referring to the dangerous levels of radiation such as those occurring in nuclear reactors or the heavy radiation used to “treat” cancer.

The difference between low dose and high dose is similar using a wood stove. If you put your hands inside the stove you will get serious burns. But you can warm your hands in front of the stove and its beneficial. The science exists to show that low dose nuclear radiation is essential to all life on earth. It has healing properties that have been used by humans for millennia!

Low Dose Radiation, An Ancient Therapy

When I researched radiation hormesis I was very surprised to discover that for millennia low dose radiation was used for healing via natural hot springs. In 1903, the discoverer of the electron, J.J. Thompson, wrote a letter to the journal Nature in which he described another remarkable discovery of his, the presence of radioactivity in almost all well water. This led to the discovery by others that the waters in many of the world’s most famous healing hot springs were always radioactive. This radioactivity is due to the presence of radium emanation – what we now call radon gas – produced by the radium that is present in the ground through which the waters flow. The radon in healing hot springs just happens to be an ideal level of low dose nuclear radiation for triggering the DNA repair mechanism to speed up and increase the healing and regeneration of the body. The reader is encouraged to study the Greek Island of Ikaria, whose radioactive hot springs have remained a popular destination since at least 500 BC. Approximately one third of the island population is over the age of 90 and dancing weekly! Scientists have been studying Ikaria’s population for decades to figure out why!

Is nuclear radiation the secret to the health of the Island of Ikaria’s population?

See: ( )

Healing radioactive hot springs are widely used throughout Europe and in China and Japan. It is only in North America that the paranoia about low dose nuclear radiation persists. In Germany, Greece and Austria for example it is government approved as part of their health care systems. Healing hot springs are popular throughout the world except in North America where Cold War Propaganda was indoctrinated into our culture. Radium Hot springs here in British Columbia was famous for its healing waters up until 1950. A nuclear scientist friend reports that Radium Hot Springs is no longer radioactive. He suggests that they have turned off the original hot spring source. It can no longer be recommended for therapeutic use.

In my article on Arthritis and Boron I mentioned Dr. Rodney Herring of the University of Victoria and his graduate group where some of us older people treat ourselves as “guinea pigs” for testing promising health science ideas. Several of us including myself and Dr. Herring wear uranium glass beads purchased from Bead World in downtown Victoria BC Canada. Uranium glass beads are a popular type of jewellery that has been available since the 1850s. We wanted to see if it would speed up the DNA repair mechanism, boosting our health and immunity to colds. Some of us have been wearing these radioactive beads for 7 or 8 years now and we notice an improved immunity to cold and flu viruses.

As an inventor I got inspired and sold several hundred sets of mildly radioactive beads worldwide for people to try out. I only received positive reports from users who wanted to experiment on themselves. I ended up buying out the main warehouse for uranium glass beads in Montreal and selling almost all of them online. I am looking for more beads currently so if any reader knows of a source please contact me! Uranium glass beads are considered to be completely safe and can be shipped worldwide without regulation.

For lots more information please visit my website where I have compiled all the research I could find since about 2010. You will find interesting articles about healing and a good library of science papers:

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Its an amazing discussion which I leave the reader to browse through. Within our North American culture the concepts presented here sounds totally crazy, but that’s because Canada and the USA were subjected to extreme propaganda during the Cold War. People in our culture tend to believe in “what everyone knows”. Don’t forget that for thousands of years everyone “knew” the world was flat.

What Can We Do to Help?
1/ Chiropractic adjustments have traditionally, for over a century, relied on x-ray imaging to accurately re-align the neck and spine. Yet today most Chiropractors do not even use x-rays due to client fear of radiation. The next time you go to the Chiropractor, talk to them about getting x-rays before your adjustment. It will cost a little extra but you will get better, more accurate treatment. In addition it will tell the Chiropractor that times are changing and maybe its time to return to more accurate adjustments.

Send your chiropractor to the ( ) website.

2/ Encourage your high school teachers and university professors to learn about the safety of low dose radiation. If someone suggests that everyone “knows” low level radiation is dangerous, ask them for scientific proof. Ask for an actual documented experiment showing a danger. You can be assured that no such paper can be found. It will force everyone to think!

3/ In the summer, visit natural geological hot springs with your family. The small dose of radiation you will receive is guaranteed to be health boosting. Cancer has been shown to be up to 30% less likely among those exposed to low dose radiation. People have known the benefits worldwide for thousands of years. Your visit will be both pleasureable and beneficial for your family. Excellent for back injuries.

4/ Study the information at: ( )
and make people aware of the content. Encourage high schools to study the science papers in the site library.

5/ If you work as a medical doctor or nurse, encourage your professional organizations to review the benefits of low dose cancer treatments. Download studies by Dr. Myron Polycove of the USA and Dr. Sakamoto of Japan. At conferences point out that low dose radiation has been proven for at least 2500 years to be safe.

6/ If you work as a professor in Engineering, arrange for lectures on radiation hormesis. This will prevent engineering graduates from being so afraid of low dose radiation that they shun modern tools using nuclear radiation for measurements. Tools using low dose radioactivity are available that will measure the strength of steel for example. Reluctance to use these tools could cause a bridge to collapse. At the University of Victoria here on Vancouver Island, engineering students are taught about radiation hormesis and the safety of low dose nuclear radiation so that they will not be afraid to use radioactivity for engineering analysis of steels or for tracing leaks. There are many engineering applications for low dose radiation.

7/ Buy a copy of the book “Radiation and Reason” by Wade Allison, Professor of Nuclear and Medical Physics at the University of Oxford. Donate it to your school and library. The sub-title is “The Impact of Science on a Culture of Fear”.

8/ For your own education, please visit my website:  
( ) where I have compiled all the research I could find since 2010. Many newer papers were submitted by nuclear scientists who are aware of the propaganda. You will find interesting articles about healing and a good library of science papers to guide you in re-educating yourself and your friends on the effects of Radiation. Within our North American culture the concepts presented here sounds totally crazy, but that’s because Canada and the USA were subjected to extreme propaganda during the Cold War. People in all cultures tend to believe in “what everyone knows”.

Look at the library: ( )

As your read, please step “Outside the Box”! This article will refine your ability to look at new data and change your beliefs. It is an invaluable skill for everyone!

For the last 30 years some amazing experiments with low dose nuclear radiation have been carried out by government funded medical doctors in both the USA and Japan. Dr. Myron Polycove of the USA Air Force and Dr. Sacamoto of Japan both have carried out successful research to cure cancer in patients who had only months to live. Part 2 of the series will introduce you to the amazing medical applications for using low dose radiation to remove cancers without surgery, heavy duty radiation and chemotherapy. It is a fascinating topic which could lead to a massive reduction of suffering in the treatment of DNA repair disorders such as cancer. The very first entry in the library below is from a cancer treatment journal where low dose treatment is a recommended new field of research.

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The references in the library above will introduce you to the amazing applied science of radiation hormesis. It is a fascinating topic which could lead to a massive reduction of suffering in the treatment of DNA repair disorders such as cancer.

Leading edge research on cancer treaments using low dose radiation is underway in North America and Japan. A future article will outline the success of these experimental cancer therapies.

End of Part Two of Two Part Series


Writers Profile

Ian Faulkner of Vancouver Island is known as a “crazy eccentric inventor” by his friends and neighbors because he does not own a car, has supported his family for 40 years by inventing electronic products, and has dozens of unusual hobbies. He is a Sufi, Buddhist, Christian, and Taoist spiritual explorer using meditation, psychedelics, bodywork, and ecstatic dance. Ian’s professional skills include electronic engineering, Trager massage, intimacy education, web journalism, and scientific research for product development. He has many hobbies including beekeeping, alternative medicine, photography, rock collecting, astronomy, mushroom study, jewelry making, dancing, yoga, and meditation. He is active on Facebook and maintains many web sites which are showcased on the landing page. ( )

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