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The problem with competition

1 Heart it! Elka Peterson 25
May 25, 2018
Elka Peterson
1 Heart it! 25

We cannot cooperate when we compete. The whole premise of competition is to have a winner. But one person’s gain is another person’s loss. Thus, there will always be a winner and a loser, and this creates inequality in our system. The inequality then breeds either arrogance or contempt, two evils at opposite ends of the spectrum.

But ‘competition breeds excellence’, you say. Yes, I suppose, so long as you’re competing with yourself.

To compete is to strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same. Establishing superiority—again taking us back to the winner gaining an arrogant sense of self, an attitude of “I am superior to you. You are beneath me.” And in turn, since you are ‘above’ me then I must strive to tear you down. It’s a no-win situation for either party for neither is at peace, and society is in discord.
To truly thrive, we must create an ambiance of cooperation.

We’ve all heard it before—No man is an island. It takes a village. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link—and it goes without saying that a community is stronger when it is united & working together towards a common vision.

Let’s teach our children more about compassionate competition. “I compete with you today because I can see that your skills are advanced compared to mine. I want to improve myself and my skills so that tomorrow I can help someone improve their skills.”

No winners. No losers. Nobody is better than the other. We are all working together, helping each other improve. That is the true essence of cooperation. There will always be someone above me and someone below me. I am not better than anyone. Today me, tomorrow you.

Compassionate competition creates a sense of unity.
We are together as one.
Living in harmony.
You & me.

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1 Heart it! Elka Peterson 25
1 Heart it! 25

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