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Let the Hurt Go

1 Heart it! Katrina McCaleb 22
June 23, 2018
Katrina McCaleb
1 Heart it! 22

It is so many people walking around filled with anger, bitterness, disappointment and hurt. Some of which stems from childhood. We see it everyday. By the way they respond/react to others. The elevated tones, body language, attitudes to say the least are a dead giveaway. My initial thought is, “Who Hurt You?” It’s evident that somewhere down the line they’ve experienced a deep hurt that they have yet to release. Whatever the cause, we must learn how to live beyond the pain. No longer can we afford to allow what happened in the past to dictate our future. Sometimes we need to forgive others, but oftentimes we need to forgive ourselves.

Just know this: not everything you lose is a loss. Some are actually gains. Your hands need to release some things so that they are free to grab hold to others. If you’re disappointed with your upbringing, understand that your parents did the best they could with what they had. Whether it be financial or emotional. One can’t give what they don’t possess. When you lost your job or were overlooked for that promotion. Better yet, when you were forced to train the person who later replaced you….know that there is something greater in store. Your season there was over. From failed friendships, relationships, marriages and the like…sometimes all you have with a person is history. Know how and when to let go. Don’t run back to what God has released you from especially when it was not in your best interest. Some people that are riding with you simply needed a Lyft (think about that statement for a minute). Stop looking for validation, acceptance and approval. Create the life that you want to live.

Know that nothing defines your life except you. Don’t use what went wrong as an excuse not to do and be better. Stop placing blame and pointing the finger. If you’re not happy with how things are going, change them. You owe no one an explanation for putting you first. Self-love is NOT selfish. Let the hurt go so that you can grow.

“Not Enough to Count”

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