Senator Barack Obama (with Lincoln and King) in his Capitol Hill office. Photograph by Jonas Karlsson – Courtesy of Planet waves.
Astrology and the Democratic National Convention – DNC
Astrology has been one of my interests in study for more than 15 years. It is a very old practice that records sky observation history for as long as humanity has look up. Its science helps us understand the celestial objects’ patterns in the sky and their relation to specific happenings in the Earth and human behavior. Since everything in the Universe is vibration and a magnetic field attracts us to each other constantly, all kinds of energies interact nonstop between planets, galaxies, human beings and anything you kind think of. We are all affected by these energies, obviously, why wouldn’t we? We are part of the whole organic creation.
In my search for truth and information about it, in 2000 I was lucky enough to find Eric Francis. Eric Francis is an well known and respected American investigative reporter, essayist, editor and photojournalist. You can find him through Wikipedia for details on his published work. After years covering industry and government, Francis had what he jokingly describes as a “conversion experience” and began investigating astrology after reading the daily horoscope of Patric Walker (1931-1995). The synchronicities between ‘real life’ and what appeared in Walker’s daily column in The New York Post were particularly stunning given the type of journalism work he was doing at the time, requiring copious research and documentation: seemingly the opposite of a horoscope column. There were more personal reasons, as well. “I felt that as an investigative reporter, I was not reaching people,” he said in 2006. “They were not getting the message. I needed to write in a more personal way.” He has presented at astrology conferences in the United States, Canada and the UK, and has conducted workshops on a diversity of other human potential and humanistic subjects. In addition, he has been a speaker on governmental issues including higher education, land use rights, and corporate responsibility on the topic of chlorinated compounds.
Eric Francis – founder of Planet Waves.
Francis is the founder, editor and publisher of Planet Waves , a general interest web magazine formed in 1998, which features writings and photographs by Francis and many other writers on a diverse array of subjects including astrology, cultural astronomy, politics, sexuality, and spirituality. Oh…an interesting fact of Planet Waves is that it it Advertising Free. No ads, only content. Fascinating because its growth and survival as a business comes only from the quality of their content and their successful way of writing it.
When I found Planet Waves, I thought: “Call off the dogs, the hunt is over”. Planet Waves is basically a University on Astrology. And to our benefit, Politics as well. What is unique about Eric’s Astrology is his involvement in Politics. He chooses the political happening, or politician, of the moment and studies the related chart displayed by the stars, then using his longtime experience in politics and investigative journalism mixed with his wise understanding of Astrology, he gives an interpretation, compares the chart to similar historic charts and tries to guide his readers towards the light.
I hope you find his astrological analysis about the Democratic National Convention- DNC – as interesting as I did and comment on it if you must. The following is only a part of his latest publication titled Astrology News: Obama, Aquarius and the Galactic Leap on the occasion of tomorrow’s lunar eclipse. I am only displaying the information regarding DNC, so don’t forget to read the whole article since his coverage on the lunar eclipse is super interesting.
Astrology News: Obama, Aquarius and the Galactic Leap
…”The chart I’ve been watching with some serious concern is that of the Democratic National Convention. The DNC chart reminds me too much of the chart for the Sept. 11 incident, which in turn reminds me of the chart for the 2004 earthquake that caused the Asian tsunami.
The problem could be solved by waiting about two hours to begin the Convention, allowing the Moon to change signs from Gemini to Cancer.
I have to get a bit technical to explain the DNC chart’s similarities to Sept. 11 and the tsunami, and its unique sense of threat — and potential. I’ll do my best to make it easy. The Moon, a key player in anyone’s astrology (and that of most events), takes one month to go round the Earth. It moves through the sky at a rate of about 12 degrees a day (on average) or one degree every two hours. So the Moon occupies each degree of the zodiac for about two hours a month.
Now that you’ve heard the word ‘degree’ I’m about to introduce you to arc minutes, which are divisions of a single degree by 60 (we need to be that precise in order to appreciate the beauty of this synchronicity). Everybody put on your tinfoil thinking cap.
In the Sept. 11, 2001 chart, cast for the moment Flight 11 struck the World Trade Center, the Moon was at 28 Gemini and 5 arc minutes (abbreviated 28 Gemini 05). When the earthquake struck Indonesia and wiped out a quarter of a million people, the Moon was at 28 Gemini 11. This has boggled my mind for years; it is a synchronicity that should be perplexing to a scientist. In astrology you see a lot of weird coincidences, but not this weird. The Moon was a mere 1/10th of a degree apart for those two global events — two of the most significant events of the 21st century so far, and it’s been quite a little century.
What does this say? I am, by the way, one of the few people willing to blame the tsunami on corporate behavior, specifically, the combination of global warming and air-pressure oil drilling in Tasmania a few days before that I think set off a knock effect. So in that respect, the tsunami may be a conspiracy akin to Sept. 11: in my view, both are about the oil business.
Looking at the chart for 4 pm on Monday, Aug. 25, 2008 in Denver, CO, when the DNC opens, we find the Moon at 28 Gemini 38, about half a degree in distance from both Sept. 11 and the tsunami; and notably, occupying the same degree, 28+ Gemini. This is stunning and ominous. Were we considering the chart for any other campaign, or for a theater performance, it might not be so noticeable, so strange and deserving of so much consideration. But this is a very important election.
Let’s zoom in a little more. In the DNC chart, the corresponding opposite degree in Sagittarius is rising, or the exact ascendant — the way you would say that is 28+ Sagg is rising. Sagg is the rising sign and 28+ is the rising degree; this is an angle (the eastern horizon). This does several things.
One, it puts 28+ Gemini (and thus the Moon of all three events) on something called the descendant. The Convention begins with the Moon on an exact angle (the western horizon) at the precise moment of moonset. When you place a planet on an exact angle, you crank up its emphasis by quite a lot; name a proportion — five-fold, 10-fold, pick a number. It puts it in the cosmic spotlight. And that planet happens to be the Sept. 11 and Tsunami Moon, which is now the DNC 2008 Moon.
Next, it puts Pluto precisely in the ascendant — rising to one arc minute of exactitude. Pluto is 28 Sagittarius 33 and the ascendant is 28 Sagittarius 34. Pluto is rising to 1/60th of a degree. This verges on ridiculous and it makes you think they hired an astrologer to do the chart; that’s usually how you get a chart like this. But they probably did not — the convention started at 4 pm in 2004 and it’s starting at 4 pm in 2008.
The Moon is opposite Pluto to within 1/10th of a degree: its position is 28 Gemini 38 and Pluto is at 28 Sagittarius 33. I have not called up every astrologer I know, but I don’t think too many of them would rate this as a friendly arrangement, even subtracting the whole bizarre Sept. 11 / tsunami sync.
If I had to describe this chart, it’s like the Democratic National Convention is a loaded gun pointed at itself, and consequently the public. If you had paid me a lot of money and I had venom in my heart, and I brought the full weight of my talent to the question, I could not have chosen a darker chart to commence the 2008 Democratic campaign.
The chart does have a few saving graces, though. First, dark may be exactly what we need. Second is that it’s precise. That does not make it ‘good’ per se, but it does make it a clean work of cosmic engineering. Not to subtract from my saving grace theme here, but the last chart that came close to being this precise was the Sept. 11 chart, and that chart was certainly ‘good’ for whoever pulled it off. It was, however, more elegant and a little less in-your-face than the DNC 2008 chart. We, at least, have a clue that we’re dealing with some potent astrology. The Sept. 11 chart is precise, but it’s slippery, just like 9/11 itself.
Next is that the Galactic Core is not only rising in the DNC chart, it’s in the ascendant to within about two degrees. This is the center of our Milky Way galaxy. If there is an astrological stand-in for the highest order of Divine consciousness, we can look for it in the Galactic Core. Whatever is there binds together our magnificent 300 billion-star spiral-barred galaxy.
Given these facts, we have an occasion to take the highest possible interpretation of the chart. To paraphrase the poet Donald Rumsfeld, you don’t necessarily go into the future with the chart you want; you go with the chart you have. So — let’s go.
We live in dangerous times (which we prefer to zone out and deny), and those times are represented in this chart: reminders of the two enormous global disasters previously mentioned and often forgotten. The Moon is opposite Pluto (which feels like a weapon pointed at the public, which happens to be a true fact of our world); and a sharply-divided public suggested by both the Gemini Moon and Pluto seem to split it down the middle (let’s see which cool-minded liberals can’t quite bring themselves to vote for a black guy).
We are dealing with a mix of profound potential global threats, all of which seem to push the amazing potential of our era into the shadows. These threats, as we well know, include our perfect train wreck of an environmental crisis; fossil fuels running out; terrorism; false-flag terrorism (fake attacks coming from the inside and/or used for manipulative political purposes, such as Sept. 11), oil men and arms brokers in charge of the government stealing from absolutely everyone, and killing a few people along the way; a stressed-out public that is conditioned to believe lies and to expect the government and corporations to lie; and so on.
Indeed, our moment of history is so precisely reflected in this chart that we could say that whatever or whoever it represents is dealing in reality — and that is Obama’s appeal. He not only speaks in sentences, what he says is worth thinking about. He does not look like his aura is in 151 pieces, rearranged like a bad copy of a cubist painting. The public (Gemini Moon), divided though it may be, is precisely aligned with and looking straight into the power, the danger and the sense of what, spiritually, is at stake (Pluto and Galactic Core rising).
To get anything done, that is, for us as a people, a country or a world, we need to confront our moment directly, with a sense of history, particularly recent history. And this chart does not skew the issues. It is shaped like a key that could unlock the incredible paradox of our moment in history, a paradox comprised of monumental problems, the opportunity to apply our technology and our minds toward evolutionary purposes, combined with dinosaurism that is eating away at the integrity of what precious little progress we have been able to make in recent years.
The DNC chart has a feeling of homeopathy — that like cures like. This means not conducting ourselves like the people who have made these problems (to which we are all more or less party), but rather, reflecting the ability to understand and bear witness to the real issues in order to do anything about them.
The Obama campaign, on the surface, is based on hope, but this chart says it’s based on a sober understanding that the human race and in particular the American public need to grow and make some difficult decisions. Part of that difficulty involves confronting people who don’t want the past to end, and who cannot drag themselves forward, and those who are quite literally violent toward any semblance of progress. To make progress, we have to face them, our problems and our own issues, and devise solutions, many or most of which will be spiritual, not political.
There is another dimension to this chart. We have all heard of 2012, and the evolutionary leap purported to be associated with it. This date is represented one way in Mayan astrology, but in the western zodiac, 2012 takes place precisely on the Sagittarius/ Capricorn cusp, where all these planets and the Galactic Core are so precisely aligned — along with the great disasters of our day.
The president we elect now will most likely be the one to serve until 2012 and maybe beyond. Suffice it to say, this is a chance to take a leap forward, but it is indeed a chance. Do we have the guts to take it? We shall soon see.
Yours & truly,
Eric Francis”
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