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1 Heart it! Bri Cheema 328
July 10, 2018
Bri Cheema
1 Heart it! 328

Between who you once were and who you are yet to become.. we must discover what it means to trust. We must allow the old to shed, to fall away, to die back into the cosmos and allow the inevitability of our truth to touch the elements. This is one of the most difficult things in the world to do — to have faith in the midst of your own darkness and to trust that everything that is falling away, is meant to.

Having trust in life allows us to be open, allows us to understand that there is a divine flow in which we are apart of, in which we are children of. We are programmed to plan, to calculate, to manipulate and to dismiss the callings of our hearts, the callings that are forever pulsing through us. Are we able to leap? Are we able to ask ourselves what we love? What we yearn for? What our very purpose for being alive is? And from that space, are we able to gain the courage to be different, to be against the societal model.. to be individual.

The fear is great because who knows? People may judge you, people may reject you. Expose yourself. Allow yourself to lift the veil of falsity you have been carrying with you.

And I tell you to walk through this fire of fear. Walk through it and have the courage to trust — trust not only in the one looking at your truth but trust in life, in the whole, in yourself. Trust that as you made the choice not to run away, but to walk through, existence will be walking with you, beside you, through you. You will be protected by the flames — in fact, you will begin to see that those flames are yours, they are apart of you.. They are the fuel to your soul, the fuel to help you reach to all that is. The fuel to help you reach your original face.

Gain courage and walk through the fire.

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1 Heart it! Bri Cheema 328
1 Heart it! 328

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