by Sarah Miller
Those of us caring for animal companions want to do everything we can to ensure their total health and long, happy lives. Like parents, we make mistakes along the way, but keep asking questions in hopes of getting “it right” more times than not.
My two canines get the royal treatment: a fresh raw meat diet, fresh veggies and fruits, Mountain Valley Spring Water, Ayurvedic remedies, weekly bathing and “massages”, lots of run time outside and unyielding loyal, loving companionship. Yet, we still have our issues.
Right now, Aiko, my ten year old Husky/Shepard mix is battling her seasonal allergies. They aren’t getting better with the Houston air quality, spring blooms and toxic, suburban environment. Her itchy hot spots are dabbed with a sandalwood/turmeric/raw milk paste in order to dry, soothe and cool the skin. We continue to tackle the issue from the inside as well, including immune support through plenty of greens, probiotics and omegas.
My last thirty minutes has been spent cruising Dr. Mercola’s new animal companion site, specifically dedicated to natural remedies. Dr. Mercola and his website are a wealth of information for humans, but now that he’s teamed up with veterinarian, Dr. Becker, he’s blown up natural animal care as well.
Cruise through the many postings and videos and get some new tips that you may have forgotten or check out some new tips that you may be unfamiliar with. Though there is a plethora of fabulous information, the site is new and some info is incomplete, so continue to check back.
The site lacks the Ayurvedic perspective, as do most natural animal care sites. Ayurvedic pet care is virtually nonexistent at this point. Uh, I guess that’s my next niche to fill.
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