September 4, 2018

Colin Kaepernick to become the face of Nike’s 30th anniversary “Just Do It” campaign. Here’s the first image.

Some irony, this coming from Nike, built on the back of unfair labor. But this is capitalism and democracy at work, I guess!

“Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything. #JustDoIt.” 

“Other athletes in the new campaign include Serena Williams, Odell Beckham Jr., Shaquem Griffin and LeBron James.” For more, read here. Or here.

Here ’tis:



From half a year back:

Further reading:

Kneeling & the NFL: This is Not an Act of Defiance.

We should all be sitting with Kaepernick.

I had No Idea what Racism was—even when it Paraded itself Right in Front of Me.

The only Reason we should be Horrified when Athletes use their Voices to Incite Change.



Everyone needs to see this video from Texas Senate Candidate Beto O’Rourke. [below]

“My short answer is no, I don’t think it’s disrespectful,” O’Rourke said. “Here’s my longer answer but I’m gonna try to make sure that I get this right because I think it’s a really important question. And reasonable people can disagree on this issue. Let’s begin there. And it makes them no less American to come down on a different conclusion on this issue, right?”

“Peaceful, non-violent protests, including taking a knee at a football game to point out that Black men, unarmed, Black teenagers, unarmed and Black children, unarmed, are being killed at a frightening level right now, including by members of law enforcement, without accountability, and without justice,” he added. “And this problem – as grave as it is – is not gonna fix itself and they’re frustrated, frankly, with people like me, and those in positions of public trust and power, who have been unable to resolve this or bring justice for what has been done and to stop it from continuing to happen in this country. And so non-violently, peacefully, while the eyes of this country are watching these games, they take a knee to bring our attention and our focus to this problem to ensure that we fix it. That is why they are doing it. And I can think of nothing more American than to peacefully stand up, or take a knee, for your rights, any time, anywhere, in any place.”

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