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November 20, 2018

A Holistic Approach To Healthy Diet Plans – Transforming Your Body And Mind

There are a million healthy diet plans in the country, but the fact is: nutrition is simple and easy.

Take the word ‘nutrition’. ‘Nut’ means ‘light’ and ‘rition’ means ‘process’.

So nutrition is a processing of light. The closer we can get to light – that force that makes plants grow – the better nutritional resources we will find.

Whatever form of nutrition you choose, really prepare your body for food by smelling it (activating saliva provides enzymes to break down that specific food), be in good company and in a positive state emotionally.

If you are in a bad state then those emotions get buried in fat and then you will always want to suppress it when it comes up in the future.

Chewing and actually loving every bite is so underrated these days. Food is meant to be an almost or fully orgasmic state.

If you have lost all savour for food and lost your appetite it’s a sign a fast is needed even if it’s just skipping 1-2 meals. Then that satisfaction will return. Let your taste buds be the judge.

So many people think foods that taste bad are healthy.


I only eat foods that taste amazing and that’s the way nutrition was designed to come into our bodies. Not in the form of lifeless pills, supplements and just straight bland food.

The highest form of nutrition (foods that hold the most light) is in fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and all kinds of plant matter, get these into your diet.

Honestly, organic food like avocado, steamed veggies, salads, mangoes, papayas and bananas all taste very good when prepared properly and are very satiating. It is just a matter of incorporating them into your lifestyle.

If you look to nature, in particular animals, especially those with the same physiology as us (did you know the first heart transplant was from an ape to a human, and it worked!!) it will tell you something about what our diet and lifestyle should really look like.

They eat a diet of about 50% fruit and 50% greens, veggies, nuts, seeds and some roots.

So get those fruits in and stop listening to the hype about too much sugar. They have a massive amount of antioxidants, fibre for movement (life is movement) vitamins, enzymes and hydration for the body to work optimally.

If you have candida or other issues it’s from the years of too much animal and concentrated fats that clog the system, then fructose and glucose are not able to be transported properly and candida and other organisms come in to clean it all up.

Eat good salads with interesting toppings – capsicum, avocado, tomato, sprouts and other things in there to create a healthy plan for yourself.

Have steamed veggies and soups like lentil soup etc for your protein source. Think of the % of protein in breast milk when a human grows the most! Beans, lentils and all veggies for that matter and even fruit have more protein % wise than breast milk!


Most people get too much which leads to tiredness and sickness in general.

Create a plan for yourself and declare, “I am going to be healthy!”

Plan your day and week.

“I am going to drink 500mls of water each morning first thing. I am going to take a walk/exercise at this time every morning. I am going to have ___ fresh food at ___ o’clock. I am going to have ___ dinner or snack at ___ time”.

If you don’t plan what you will do then you will end up the product of eating from hunger and making bad choices (most people).

For me, my plan looks like fresh fruit or a smoothie first for break-fast at noon. If I don’t feel like eating fruits, I might have raw oats. I’ll put in some sesame seeds, poppy seeds, and sprouted grains. Then add some honey.

For dinner I have a massive salad with tempeh and an amazing dressing or potato and steamed veggies or soup and some sprouted grain bread with avocado and sprouts… enough that it will carry me through the night after dinner then it’s water only for the rest of the night to allow proper assimilation.

Look for what foods are in season and eat based on season as well, more cooked soups or steamed veggies or potatoes and dried fruit in the winter (like long lived cultures around the world) and mainly fresh raw mix of fruit, greens and veggies in the summer months.

Get all kinds of nutrients into your diet. Look for the variety of colours, the red, orange, blue, purple, the green etc, get all of that in your body, and in the right timing so that it’s in sync with your body’s natural cycles and you will start experiencing divine health, a level of energy and clarity unlike what you have felt before if you have never really planned your lifestyle.

You will free up blockages in your body and you’ll feel better.

You will feel the life force.

Then, start exercising or strength training. The more you start to exercise and push yourself, the better you will feel. You will start to develop muscle mass and have a true sense of feeling healthy.

Diet plans can be very confusing, but you and I know that health is very simple.

Most people just don’t want to do it. They are trained to enjoy processed or artificial foods, additives and meats. They habitually do things which make them feel dense and tired and make them dread exercising.

A healthy diet plan is simply fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, roots and sprouted grains. Put them together whatever way you can to make them taste good.

As long as you are eating them fresh, eat as much as you want.

I know people who follow diet plans and I know people that eat as many fruits and vegetables as they want – the ones who eat fruits and vegetables don’t get sick nearly as often and bounce back much quicker.

They have energy galore. So just get on to it – create a plan for your health!

Original post with video –

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