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November 26, 2018

You Can’t Back Down.

  1. You can’t. You can’t back down.
    Even if you feel like it’s more than what you can carry on your shoulders, don’t give up yet. You can’t understand. I know you’ve drawn all the possible charts and hyperbolic curves but you still have no clue. You’ve tested all the hypotheses and found all the probabilities but you still can’t fathom why. Maybe it’s not about comparing the statistics. Maybe there’s no correlation with the past sequences. Who knows? Perhaps it is as it should be by divine will. Perhaps it has more to do with a wiser inner reflection than an outer numerical solving or logical reasoning.
  2. But you can’t. You can’t back down. Not right now. There’s still too much at stake. This is serious. Don’t walk away. What’s wrong? Don’t pull such a long face. Nothing’s wrong. I know you’ve already gone through a lot but try to keep on keeping on. Look up to the sky. There you’ll see that every cloud has a silver lining. You’ll find your silver lining but you just have to keep on keeping on.
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