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November 21, 2018

Five Brutally Honest Reasons Why He’ll Never be the Guy You’ll Lure into a Bed of Disappointment.

  1. He gives unconditional love and needs to receive it in a relationship. He only breathes real love and doesn’t settle for something less. He does not want a fake relationship or “love” for selfish, classic, material reasons. Life is too short and too beautiful to love in an ugly way.
  2. He is a very patient person. He is going to wait and won’t be rushed by any form of impatience. He will discern your hidden intentions over time. No matter how beautiful and attractive you are on the outside, he’ll test your spirit so your real self manifests. Expect a rejection and a no if he thinks you’re gonna use him just because you feel lonely, desperate or just want to ruin him.
  3. He overthinks. He carefully analyses every word you say with your body language to find whether your words match with your actions or not. He meticulously examines your red flags. You flirt with him but you don’t respect him. You dare want to hold hands and touch him but refuse to date him. You want him to fall over you but are always emotionally unavailable. You flatter him and call him your “friend” but you’ve never called him by his name, not even once. Bye!
  4. He is man not a bad boy. He takes relationships too seriously and won’t play petty games. He is consistent in his maturity and committed to his manhood. He won’t waste his precious time and energy on cunning modern dating tactics for control and manipulation. He might still care for you for a while but will very soon forget you forever. He’s already moved on.
  5. He’s too focused about his future. He has a vision and lives with a purpose. If he believes you’re a distraction, you’ll be fiercely ignored in time and eternity. He only keeps company with good, inspired and informed people. He doesn’t worry about people who don’t give him a thought. He forgets people who cannot discern his value. He lets go of hurting people. He refuses to spend his life within BS. No, he’ll never ever trade his future for a lure into your bed of disappointment.
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