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November 23, 2018

How to Deal with Unconscious People?

Having healed my wounds and practicing constant efforts to develop myself, I have experienced a transformation in all levels of my existence.

We can gain so much awareness of the world and our surroundings when we stop ignoring what causes our suffering. A powerful energy has arisen from within that I was not aware of from my previous state of consciousness like wisdom, compassion, empathy, kindness, devotion, high sensitivity, intuition… what I once considered a form of weakness, became my wealth and tool to empower not just my being but also others. A bigger dimension began to open. I was not only seeing what my ego wanted me to believe but also my infinite potential.

So being very much attached to who I was became secondary and my surrendering. My family started to notice and comment on my new behavior. They were very critical and severe words were used and some family members would create confusion in me at the beginning of my transformative journey. Receiving new tags as “naive, utopist, lost…” and so on. Those words actually affected me and put me back with them in the illusory world and this fake democracy. My instinct and my heart did not believe their words. So I decided I would just observe their actions. Sitting back as a witness, observing their behavior, it became clear to me that they simply are unconscious and not able to see above the physical world and beyond their point of view.

Compassion was very tricky at this stage, because the need to change them, to change your beloved is almost inevitable. What has benefited me, of course, I would like to see benefit others, especially if it is my partner, family or friends. The same way, we share tips when we try a new good restaurant, an amazing deal on a cell phone, new advantages with a credit card or any tips to improve our living in general.

So… Some will be intrigued and try things from your new lifestyle, like yoga, meditation and solo travel into wild destinations. But most of them will stop before having challenged themselves to actually reach above their comfort zone. They will not let go of old habits, mind patterns, criticism and fundamental judgments on anything new for them. And it is okay! This is when I needed to let go of my need to be a nurse for others and understand that not everyone wants to step into reality. It is comfortable to wear the mask, the veil that covers what we are not ready to give up and by recognizing this—it will help you to stop exhausting  yourself into the process of converting everyone on self healing, self realization and so on.

Nobody is superior even if someone could know enlightenment—this experience is just a process and it doesn’t mean to be special or chosen. You are just ready for another step in existence and any explanations about it, will confuse the mind of others. Instead of trying to change the world and others, I decided to enjoy what’s new in me. I am still sharing to those who respond to learning from my experiences and knowledge, but I gave up being frustrated with my family  who refuse to know about it. I accept who they are and the best they can give or receive—and that’s perfect.

To share this article is to talk about a mistake I did, and I still observe this common mistake made along other awakened people who seem to want to convert people based on their beliefs.

Your truth is yours and forcing anyone who is not ready to accept where they are, can create confusion because their mind cannot understand what we have experienced. Imagine a fish listening to someone speaking about how life is on Earth—taking a train, going to school, eating bananas, sleeping in a bed. The fish will be lost and confused on what you are talking about and won’t believe anything. So this is what happens in the minds of those who are not awake and still in a process of self-development. There is no need to force them to change, it is not the time and it is better to deal with them with kindness and love.

Today, my contribution is to bring awareness to those around me in a more gentle way, because that way, soft and powerful only show the wisdom hidden behind and that speaks louder than any words. Many yoga retreats are a good start for self discovery and this is where I found my seat to guide others on their journey. 



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